The sky rail is very good and well worth a visit if you've got time/money. I'm with you though re:cairns, I didn't like it and after Sydney/Melbourne it comes across as Hicksville Queensland(which I suppose it is!!!). Hope you're going out to the barrier reef at some point???
Mar 12, 2012
In Australia for a start.
Mar 11, 2012
Ryan Edwards
Where would I be without your insight Roger! ;-)
Mar 11, 2012
Only you could come down with a cold in Australia! Scratch that, my mate Sicknote Al would somehow contrive to get chilblains... A desert rodent? Don't why you bothered changing rooms, they're probably everywhere, a bit like rats in London ("You're never more than 15 feet from a rat") except Australia's so bloody huge it's probably "You're never more than 143 miles from a desert rat. You big pommy b******."
Mar 11, 2012
Here, this might come in handy: Try it at your next stop in Queensland, as in a greeting: G'day, you big banana bender/cane toad!
Mar 10, 2012
The only thing beneath Ryan was whoever was in the bottom bunk - boom! boom! I'll get me coat...
Mar 10, 2012
Trixie Latrine
During your travels in your 20s, you were cosseted. So, I'm not surprised to hear that you now find hostels a bit beneath you. Travelling alone is not difficult. You, like me, are happy to strike up conversation with anyone and everyone.
Mar 10, 2012
You, in a hostel? Ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaa!!! It would be like finding a delicate butterfly sitting on a dog-turd...
Mar 10, 2012
A Paris Letter? Is that like a French Letter, but more aggressive?
Mar 10, 2012
Paul Richardson
Looks like the shocking blue colour of your hair has calmed down a little.
Mar 8, 2012
Janice Edwards
hi ryan glad your having a good time miss takk to you trying to master this internet take good care of yourself lots of love mum
Mar 8, 2012
Pissing rain? Flooding? Blimey, we've got a drought here! Probably just as well you had a quiet night in by the sound of it. I shall refrain from making any obvious comments about your sore throat...
Mar 8, 2012