Hurray! At last I have somewhere to live. AFter 2 and a half weeks of trawling the streets and countless numbers of phonecalls I have finally managed to find a house. Maybe not perfect but right now I'm beyond caring. Sharing the house with a couple of chinese guys and the landlord which who probably won't be the most thrilling company but I will have a good sized room and there's a swimming pool!
Started my Indigenous law course this week. There's only about 25 people in the class which is really weird after two years of 200+ in a lecture theatre. The reading is pretty light compared to Nottingham too which should allow me time to relax a bit more. Dispute resolution classes start next week but even then I reckon I should have a fair bit more free time on my hands than I'm used to. So there goes my excuse not to get a job...
Spent the last week living in Clovelly. Not much there apart from the hotel so have spent most of the time in Coogee, the uni, or city centre. But the hotel is like a palace compared to Bondi - I've had my own en suite, a heater, a TV that works, a proper kitchen on hand and a huge living room area too. Had a couple of good nights out with the exchange guys and have just made it back from an Aussie rules match at the SCG. Great fun. Not too many rules it seems: people run everywhere and try and kick the ball through the posts at the end. Simple. Much more frenetic than any other team sport I've seen and a great atmosphere in the ground too. We were decked out in Sydney Swans gear courtesy of Ben's friend and were sat in an area full of St Hildas fans. The bottom of the league Swans put in a great final quarter and were all square with seconds left on the clock but St Hildas squeezed one more point in the dying seconds. Best night out so far I reckon. Shame I now have an early start tomorrow to move all my gear but looking forward to having my own place at last.
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