Finally free from the bus of doom ...
It had got to 10pm and we finally arrived on the bus of doom! The drop off point was only a short distance away from the hotel we had booked. However, the taxi driver still tried over charging us, agaaaaiiinn!
After checking in, the backpacks were dropped off in our room and we headed straight out for a late night snack! Strangely the direction we chose didn't seem to be the best,as we were struggling to find anything that was actually open and we were almost back at the hotel when we found a little bar still open and serving food, thank god, we were slowly losing the will ha! We took the easy option of comfort food -burger and chips, soooo cultural I know but it was needed and to be honest we were both away with the fairies from being so sleepy so didn't care too much.They did a good job at making a tasty dish and with a full belly we headed to bed.
The weather is getting better the further South we head. It's dry, warm and the sun keeps making its shiny appearance. As the good weather held up we decided to spend our afternoon at 'The egg mud baths'. A short taxi drive and we were there, all excited to getting covered in dirt hmmmm not something if usually do out of choice ha! So into the bikinis we get and then walk out through a pathway which had walls on either side just above head height, where we were cleaned aka blasted from head to toe with bursts of water firing into us from all directions. We were not expecting this at all and so Becky and I were both in fits of giggles. Once we were "cleaned" up we were guided to the freshly filled mud egg shells. The mud was a warm, creamy brown consistency and covered us up to our chests. It was so realxing and fun. We slid around the tub, Becky doing a full head dunk, with my excuse of not getting a face full being the contact lenses, obviously ha!
Once we had showered the mud off it was time for a dip in the pool or jacuzzi. The jacuzzi was nice and warm we soaked ourselves in the jets of bubbling water for a while. The sun came out to dry us off after whilst we walked down to the man made waterfall that you could sit in and under. The site has a few eating places so as we still had about 1hour left before our return taxi we grabbed some meat spring rolls and a noodle dish between us. Yummy, still loving the Asian food.
It was still another 30minutes wait for our taxi so we took a seat in the pick up 'point cafe'. Whilst we waited in the pickup area a young Vietnamese boy who was working on the entrance to the mud baths, came over and asked if we had time to help him read a book he had. Parts of the book were in English. Becky read the short tale to him and he stopped her a few times throughout in order to ask for help on how to pronounce things. We helped him with a few English words, which was quite rewarding once he got it and could read the tale back to us :) It was a really good experience, he was a lovely lad and told us a few things about boetnam and about how he though England was a famous place. When i asked him why he said it was for being rich! This shocked me a little, but i guess in comparison to Vietnam it is a wealthy place. He also told us how they aren't allowed to leave Vietnam, even for holidays! This was another reason why he thought highly of England - because we are lucky enough to be "allowed" to go where we want pretty much when we want! The taxi arrived so we ended the interesting chat, said goodbye and headed off.
In the evening we met up with one of the lads we met in Hoi An, Ashley and his new travelling Herman friend, Florian. We grabbed food along with some well deserved beverages.
Another fun day and night, with more good company!
The next day had been pretty much written off, making the most of some well deserved unplanned exploring around Nha Trang, casually strolling around the street shops. It actually felt really good to have no plans.
The lack of plans were made up for on the following say as we had booked to go and visit the island of 'Vinpearl', an amusement and aqua park park across the sea. To get to the island you took the longest cable car that has been designed to go over sea. It was based on the Eiffel Tower, with a number of mini towers being dotted along the stretch of sea for the cables to run through.
The first ride that caught our eye was the Alpine coaster, this took you up round and down the islands scenic hills at a good speed and incline, on a kind of go cart attached to a rail. Great explanation eh ...sarcasm
of course ha!! The next ride, not so pleasant!! It took you up high, threw you upside down, being reliant only on the bars around your front, laevibg you literally hanging and cliniging on for what felt like a lifetime, carrying on by spinning you round in very direction- that shut us both up for a while after ha!
Then onto the aquapark - my first ever waterpark experience!! I started off by subtly throwing myself down head first down a long rainbow waver slide. Was good fun! Next was the 'Tsunami', the name should have said it all, but looking at it it wasn't all that daunting! God was I wrong, I have never screamed as loud in my life. The vertical drop down and back up on the other side andddddd back down again didn't half give me whip lash out with the gravity taking hold......... Did it again though jut for good measure haha! Its always good fun once the fear has subsided ha! We also went on a long vertical tube slide called the "Hole", thankfully as we were at the top one of the lads was talking about his 'near death' experience, mentioning how just when you think it's all over you come to the end where there is a whirlpool you just drop into. So I prepared myself the best way I knew how, covering my face and taking a deep breath......Jeez it really span you round before dunking you into what looked like an isolated whirl pool, but once your head popped back up you could see the exit, thank god.
The adrenaline had kicked in at this point and the knees were trembling a little, so we took a stroll along the beach front to dry off a little and catch some rays, as luckily the sun was out that day. Perfect.
We chilled for a bit in the sun, changed into some dry clothes, grabbed some lunch and then headed off to the under water aquarium. I always love the colours and variation of the sea life, but wasn't to keen on the long slithery eel looking critters they had though, they freak me out and remind me of 'Ursula' and her minions from 'The Little Mermaid'-scarred for life haha!
Whilst in Nha Trang I tried, for my very first time crocodile and oyster and can honestly say that even though I was slightly freaked out by both, I'd choose crocodile over the slimy flem like oyster any day, bleurgh!
Nha Trang is a major holiday spot and welcomes many holiday makers, the majority of these being Russian. The Russians have pretty much dug it's claws in over here and made their mark, right down from the bold Russian signposting to the millions of over priced Russian jewellery shops.
Everyone has their own opinion on different nationalities and il let people make up their own mind on things like this hoping to stay "PC" ;) What would be largely recommended by myself, as well as the lonely planet guide, would be the Louisiana Brew House. It had a live band on and served a great selection of top class food and beer. One of the tasty beers being the passion beer- a beer mixed with just the right amount of passion fruit. I'm not the biggest beer drinker or lover, but this I could drink on a weekly basis (almost wanting to write daily, but don't want to come across as an alchy so il stick to being a binger instead ha). The chicken ceaser salad we both ordered was delish aswel. A great end to our last night at this holiday spot. xx
- comments
Lynn You have managed to do it again. Another very interesting piece.
Rachy Sounds amazing Roz :-) can't wait to read the next blog. miss you millions and love you trillions xxxxxxx