Roy and Jo's Journal
Hi everyone,
Just a quick update to let everyone know we are still alive and on the road. I'm in alibrary in Anniston Alabama at the mo, came in here looking for directions to the Biggest chair and decided to use the net as we haven't been able to for a while.
Since N. Carolina we have been through South Carolina, Georgis and today into Alabama. S carolina was fantastic and the old cities like Goergetown and Charleston were really pretty. The aquarium at Charleston was so impressive, they even have an annoconda and we got to see them feed fish, sharks etc.
Georgia was good and bad. savanaha was amazing and so cool to walk around. had a great evening at a place called Wet Willies on the waterfront. Met up with some business guys from texas at a Kareoke evening which was fun.
We then left due to the fact that a hurricane was approaching and went off to Atlanta which pretty much sucked. It is the only place so far we have felt unsafe. shouldnt have visited during the night, so many homeless and street kids around. We visited the Margret Mitchell muesem and house today(she wrote Gone with the wind), that was cool.
Running out of time now so will hopefully post pics next time.
Bye to all
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