Hey all we're back again at last! I tried to update the blog yesterday but got half way through and all the computers went down so i lost everything i typed... so here i am again tonight hoping that i get it finished before anythin crashes on me!
Got a few days to catch up with so i'll try to be brief and to the point for a change;
Monday night... went to the kareoke bar as predicted and had a great night trying to sing all the usual 80's and 90's greatest hits along with a few slightly more obscure songs chosen by our Canadian friend who's been teaching Japanese over here for a year; anyone heard of Mr Robotica??? Got pretty smashed so at about half past 3 in the morning we thought it would be a good idea to move on to another Kareoke bar to continue the singing and drinking!
Tuesday... After a 7am finish we had a bit of a lie in then staggered off to Hiroshima just after lunch. We were really lucky with the weather there so we had a wander around the Peace Memorial Gardens and A-Bomb Dome building (one of the only buildings to survive the blast) before spending as much time as we could in the museum before it closed, which was a particularly eye opening experience! had a quick look around Hiroshima Castle on our way back and got some great pics of the blossom trees in the Castle grounds (those ones are for your benefit Mum)
Wednesday... After having a few issues with finding accommodation around Mt Fuji (as we'd initially planned) we decided to get the Bullet Train straight to Tokyo and just use our train passes to do a day trip to Fuji from there instead. This took over 7 hours since we had to travel all the way from Kyushu and half way up Honshu! So we didnt arrive in Tokyo until gone 7 which only really left us enough time to find the hostel then head straight out for some much needed food! we found a cool little Sushi bar where we watched raw fish on rice-balls do laps around a conveyor belt infront of us; occasionally daring to try one of them...i wouldnt recommend the eel or green slime tea!
Thursday... Had an amazing day at Mount Fuji national park...when we finally got there; 3 trains 2 subways and a bus ride later! we went there to see some waterfalls that we'd read about on the internet, not really expecting to see Mt Fuji at all since most reviews say that it's usually covered in cloud. We must have had luck on our side though as there was hardly a cloud in sight so we got a full uninterupted view of the whole thing which was a real bonus! the waterfalls were equally as impressive and well worth all the multiple train journeys. on our way back to the bus we were looking on a map for a lake that we knew was somewhere nearby when a group of Japanese teachers (who were out on a daytrip during school vacation) saw us looking like tourists and offered to drive us there since they were heading that way too! What a massive stroke of luck that turned out to be!!! They took us right to the lake then showed us where we could get the most unbelievable view of Mt Fuji; unfortunately there's a Firewall stopping us from uploading any pictures at this hostel but you'll see what i mean when we get to add some to the blog!
So that's about everything for now, well done if you've read all the way to the bottom, think i got a bit carried away! i'm off for a cup of tea and a pack of biscuits
back soon, us 3 x x x
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