Hi there Noble Steed. Sorry we haven't been in touch for such a long time but we are managing to get up-dates; some from your mum, some from Bluebell/Andy and from Zak - who last sent you a message! We all wish a very happy birthday - I'm sure your day was special and very memorable being in such a wonderful part of the world. We are starting to cool down over here and speed up for Christmas - concerts, productions, parties etc. etc. About to go out to a 'Bean-Bag' service at church with the kids now so must dash. Think of you often, take care and lots of love from us all. Enjoy your birthday week xxxxx
The Skerrett Family
Just a message to say hi and happy birthday for saturday,had lots of info of your mum about your time over there.Looking forward to seeing you when you come back in march.Not missing much here just all at work,school and uni. Martin is doing fine,enjoying himself.Hannah is looking at colleges (cambridge regional college) and to do administration.Enjoy the rest of your time away.Speak soon. xxxx
Carole Chia
Dear Stephen,
Managed to get on your travel blog @ home now. For some reason we couldn't access it @ home previously. Your Mum emailed the address to me & I Have been able to log on from there.
Hope you had a good week-end.
Did you watch the grand prix?
Over here we are all really pleased that Lewis Hamilton has won the world championship.
We have just returned to work after half-term. Still interested in teaching? Problems @ school already today!
Nick has had a couple of driving lessons & we are about to put him on the insurance.
On Sat. he worked @ the Heathercliffe 6.00pm - 2.00am, trying to get some cash to help towards driving lessons.
Enjoy the warm weather while you can. It has been very cold over here.
Ski-ing prices are very high but, the papers indicate that there may be a fall due to the credit crunch! Are you aware of it?
Have fun, Carole
Charles Chia
Hi Steve,
Don't come back; I'll come and see you! Hope you are having a great time and making the most of it. once in a life-time event.
Everything here is as normal - just waiting for Christmas.
Good luck!
hey ste hows it going? enjoying your holiday so far? been too long :P were shall we meet you when we all come over to visit :D we all interested to know!
enjoy the rest of your holiday
Carole Chia
Dear Stephen,
Wonderful to look at your many, many photographs. How fantastic. It looks like you are having a wahle of a time. I'm sure you will find it hard to settle upon your return. I can't believe that you are still away, when we have had our holiday, returned to work & now winter has truly arrived.
Nick had a great time in Oz., followed by a adventure in Malaysia, Thailand & Singapore with us. Our holiday was great & I think we could have stayed for another month! We went elephant trekking through the jungle in Thailand & snorkelling around Pi Pi Islands. Spent some time at Mayo Beach (where they filmed the beach) & saw some of the James Bond Islands.
Talking of James Bond we have just watched Quatum Of Solace with Alsison & then visiited curry mile in Rusholme. It was fun.
Loved looking at all your photographs, you look really well & it shows that you are having a truly wonderful time. Enjoy the remaining countries on your adventure. Hoping that Nick does something similar in the future.
Take care, Love from Carole
hello what are you doing? I am staying at auntie Carole's for a few days and tomorrow we are going to the Imperial War Museum. Was your bungy jump scary? when will you be back?
Uganda Man
hello dere Steman!!
Just got back from de jungle and had a close encounter with a gorilla.. Got charged by a warthog and heard leopard hunting in the bush. Hippos surrounded our tiny boat when we were out looking for crocs. Just another day in the life of your old man! Hope all is ok down under - keep in touch
Bushman Bob
Hi Ste have you done your packing yet - won't take long though!! Keep up the photo shoot, saw the snow boarding pictures they are fantastic - you all look very professional. Looks like your snowboard has gone awol on some of the photos.. On the countdown to your birthday now - look out for a big package coming to a caravan park near you. Love & hugs (from all at no.2)
just to let you no tht martin went to lincoln uni if u was wondering. and everton played stoke on saturday and won 3-2.kay hill,anachobe,yakubu all scored
Hiya ste just been looking at ur photos seem to be having a gr8 time,like the house but wuldt swap just to let you no martin has gone of to uni and passed his A-levels and had his 18th at home and in runcorn.hannah now in yr 11 and is a prefect going home for lisas engagement next week.when r u movin on to america? how long u working for? in the summer we went to menorca for 3 weeks and hannah did a dance week.just going to sell martins car now hes gone off to uni and then we will sell the buggy and the boat thts out in menorca.just having a few changes.take care and carry on enjoying urself.Rosalyn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ay up , congratulations on your new shack it looks erm comfortable and you look like you are very busy at work, trust you to have a fantastic view just out of the office window hey!! take it you arent planning on coming back any time soon, could do with a holiday to nz so stay there for a bit longer ha ha just trying to remember what i have been doing but i seem to have the memory of a goldfish lately oh yeah thats right went to chester on last monday and walked the walls and drove a speedboat ( well you know a faster than a rowing boat) up the river dee got shat on by a pigeon thougth they were supposed to be good luck but when i turned around john was still there no such luck stupid pigeon lol!!just come back from liverpool today seen lots of lambananas jack had a ride on them took lots of pictures we also went to the world museum jack took a picture of a ancient greece mans (whatever you call them) willy ha ha he is so rude!!!!! very observant though wouldnt you say ha ha im off to watch big brother now and apply some fake tan ready for my night out on friday woo hoo speak soon luv ya loads fun chun a chun chun hi ya xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx