Well, since we last updated weve been very busy! Picked Vik up on 1st December after we slept in a car park, which wasnt as bad as it sounds! Drove to Gosford to stay with Marie and Malcolm, my mums cousin! And theyve got these things... called beds!.. and toilets! After having to pee in the van or public toilets for 3 months its great here! haha. Bought a 7 day pass for the train, it takes 90 mins to get into sydney so its good value at about 20 pounds! So weve been taking in the sights of sydney with vik,like Bondi, manly, darling harbour... we are staying in a hostel from monday for 5 days when mike gets here cause they want to experience some travelling lifestyle! Then marie and malcolm are off to queensland to see heidi for Xmas, so we are coming back to housesit! Xmas day we shall be eating our dinner on the balcony overlooking the pool! ;-) Then we are spending New yeats eve at sydney harbour!! Its alright for some!!!
New zealand awaits, then fiji. But we have to check about that as there is a coup over there at the mo, so we might have to adjust our flights, maybe the cook islands or Hawaii! :-))))
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