Hello everybody!
We are getting really bad at this always intend to write in the blog and always run out of time, so appologises it's been so long again but here we go...
Since last time the weather cleared up more than we could ever hoped for and the next morning we woke up to bright sunshine and clear blue skies and its stayed much the same ever since!
In Noosa we hired kyaks and paddled down the river from our hostel, past all the expensive houses and holiday homes and to the town centre. It was a really pretty cruise but unfortunately we've got no photos from it as we were too worried we'd fall in which amazingly we didnt!
The next day in Noosa we headed off to australia zoo and the home of all things Steve Irwin! It is a really impressive zoo with huge enclosures and, of course, the croc show in the crocosseum! We also watch playtime in the tiget temple with 3, 9month old tiger cubs. They were so cute and reminded me exactly of my two boys play fighting!
After Noosa we caught the early morning bus to Hervey Bay and then onto Fraser Island on a 4wd adventure. Fraser is a completely sand island covered in tropical rainforest hiding fresh water lakes and a 75mile white sandy beach. It was really pretty, especially lake mackenzie, and made the camping in dingo infested areas totally worth while!
After Fraser we motored on up to Airlie Beach to get ready to sail the whitsundays on a tall ship called the Solway Lass. We had three days on the boat and got back on dry land yesterday, much to our disappointment as we had a great time and wasnt ready for it to end just yet!
The Whitsundays were also amazingly pretty and we have some great photos of all the shannanigans on board. On the first day we sailed to the world famous Whitehaven Beach. It is one of only 2 places in the world where the sand is 99.8% silica and so its really really fine and bright white. We got there before the crowds and had the beach mostly to ourselves for a few hours. We spent the later hours of that night watching out over the side of our boat for dolphins. A few times they swam right up to our boat then dived back into the darker waters. While we were dolphin watching we also saw a few sharks! They were only little, either white or black tip reef sharks so it didnt worry us too much!
Which was a good job because on the second day we went snorkeling in the same waters and swam with all the fishies! We saw hundreds of different types of fish, some quite big ones! And we saw starfish and even a lagoon ray hiding under some coral! It was way more impressive than i had imagined and it was just like swimming in an aquarium - only with more fish!
On our last day on the boat we went onland for a bush walk on one of the islands to a lookout over all the whitsunday islands. It was a 45 minute walk each way in the baking hot sun but it was well worth it, the views were amazing. We got lots of photos that we'll put up as soon as possible.
Thats everything pretty much up to date for now. We havent quite decided where we are going next so we've got another few days in Airlie Beach before going up north again.
Hope everyone is well back home? Thinking of you all loads,
Ros and Rob X
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