Rob (+ Ros whom I've never met) It looks as thought you have had an amazing time. Obviously we ALL miss you massively at JLR :-)
Looks as though you are heading back towards England now - how fast has that gone??
Anyway, all the best and happy travels
Hi Ros & Rob, Great photo's of Oz!! And your both still smiling so thats a good sign. Anyway keep enjoying every minute and keep safe. Take care Mags x
nice to see photos of you both again and see how well you look , rob you need a shave , hope to see some wild life shots now you are in africa
love dad
Carol And Jim
hi there, Fab photo's,the sky is
amazing and the sea is so clear,The solway lass looks great.Love Carol and JIm XX
hi to you both , nice to some more photos at last , nice to see you both looking well and loving what you are doing
keep the updates coming when you can dad
Mum And Dad
Everyone here at work want to know if you actully ate the guinnea pig?
hi to both of you nice to see you are back to uploading to the blog sight again , you must have a nice tan by now in auss , have you had a go at surfing yet ? watch out for the sharks !!
i thought the pics of the condor are very good
John Daine
hi you two
very good photos again , very good wild life shots , hope you are both keeping well , have you had any thing good to eat?
love dad
hi u 2! hope ur good and aint been eaten by any hill billies! ur missin out on some good gossip ros!! cant wait to fill ya in! oh yeah am goin to ur hairdressers tomorrow so wish me luck! missin u lots speak to u soon x x x
Hi Ros & Rob
Everything looks amazing and I am sure that you are having fun. I feel so tired just looking at what you are doing! Exhausting for you as well i'm sure. Anyway it's great being able to view so keep them coming and most of all take care and enjoy.
hi rob and ros
hope you two are keeping well , the photos look very good , it looks like you are still having fun , tha rafting looked very wet and the ruins look stunning , keep them coming
all the best dad
Hi Ros & Rob
Thanks for the amazing photos so far. Looks like you are having a great adventure. I hope your bums didn't hurt too much after cycling on Death Road!!! Take Care xx