It seems like a life time ago since I wrote my last blog after the Whitsundays as so much has happened since then in a very short amount of time.
Fraser Island was awesome fun. Although I did not get to dirve around on the island, out of 8 people inthe 4x4 only 4 could drive and I lost paper, scissors, stone so my job was checking the van and getting the alcohol - two fairly important jobs. I still stand by my comments of the fact they allow tourists to drive big 4x4's over the biggest sand island inthe world and it is also a World Heritage site - why the Australian government let this happen is mind boggling especially as tourist have died driving around.
Anyway, we arrived after an early start and it is a beautiful place. We started driving to a place called Lake Birrabean, gorgeous white sand and fresh water which is very drinkable, the water is so clear. We chilled and ate lunch. I doubt the pictures will really do it justice. As it was going to be a bit of a drive to the campsite and we had to get there before dark as we needed to pitch the tents. This is when the fun really started. We had to drive on the sand next to the sea and they allow you to drive at 80 km per hour, you just had to watch you didn't get to close to the sea and wash outs which would mean the car would go down a ditch and could turn over - lovely! it was a very bumpy drive but a laugh. We stopped at an great ship wreck called Mabeno. At the campsite we quickly got our tents up then I helped the other group to pitch theres as they were having a bit of trouble - happy to help. Dinner was a BBQ cooked well. I started a fire and we did well to keep it going but after a while it was time to go into the forest with the Aboriginal local to find more wood. He was happy to lead us through a path with no concern for dingoes (they were everywhere - coming very close to the campsite), snakes and spiders. He allowed us to break massive branches off trees. We then had a go with a Didgereedoo - I was rubbish could barely make any sound. He was amazing and had some great stories about ghosts.
The next day we set off to see as much as possible. We went to a great look out place and then to a cove called Champagne Falls, which are giant rock pools so when the waves crash over you get this bubbling effect on the water and it fizzes - very cool. It was another hot day so the water was lovely to be in. On the way back we went up to a lookout place and had an amazing view of the sunset over these massive sand dunes. That night I cooked dinner of spag bol, not bad if I do say so myself. A few of us spent the night in the wooden shelter instead of the tent, which was a little better - a bit more space. The last day on Fraser was a bit rubbish as the rain came in. We were fairly lucky as some of the palces we stopped at the rain did stop for us, one place called Eli Creek were you could walk down this river. The last place on the list was Lake Wabby. It was a longish walk to it but worth it as it has these massive sand dunes leading up to another fresh water lake which had some huge cat fish in. After a brief swim the rain and wind hit hard and we made a quick dash for the cars and it was time to leave for the ferry to return. That night we polished an all you can eat chinese whcih was so tasty especially after weeks of pasta and rubbish food. We met up with the other group and headed for the local nightclub and because I had flip flops on I was almost not allowed in - will have to buy some shoes before I head south. It was a top night and there was lots of silly dancing.
The next morning it was time to say goodbye to everyone I had met, but we went for a final stroll along the beach and saw these realy cool mini blue crabs and then we could see dolphins in the sea. I later travelled to Brisbane to go and see Josh and crew again.
At Brisbane (9/5/10) i went on a local tour which was really good and you only had to pay what you thought the tour was worth - a very good idea I thought. We got told about the histroy of Brisbane and some ghost stories. Managed to find a pari of shoes - black and white - a little different from the usual black shoes. I hope they last so I can wear them out in the UK.
As I was only in Brisbane for a few days I had to do the XXXX brewery tour. I went with one of Josh's housemates Laura. Unfortuantely we had just missed the bottling so we just got to see empty machines which was a bit dull. However I did get to taste hops - which was absolutely disgusting but i suggest you try it if you get a chance. It was time to try the beers of XXXX, we got to try 4 beers, but I also asked if we could go behind the bar and pour our own. They said yes so that was another free beer!!
I flew to Melbourne on the 12th and the temperature drop was massive. Had to think were i had packed my jumper - not a good sign for the future! Was met by Brad another China buddy and he drove me around Melbourne quickly as I wanted to walk around the docks.
The first full day in Melbourne and I saw loads, too much to list here, but lots of gardens, churches and museums - in particular a model of a Tudor Village in the middle of a park, very bizzare. That evening bumped into some people I had met in Port Douglas and we hung out at this very cool market were you could try lots of different food and it is a place you could spend a fotune on very good produce. We headed to a place called St Kilda to try and see these little penguins, but we only saw one, as we had to make a move so probably missed the rest of them, but I will return.
On the 16th I met up with Brad again and we went to an AFL game. We watched the Richmond Tigers V's Hawthorn Hawks at the Melbourne Cricket Ground which can sit 100,000 people. It was a great day and it was a great game, lots of hard hitting tackles (well some were also fairly lame too) , but it was a great atmosphere with somee bizzare rules, like there are these runners who run around the pitch with instructions from the coach, and the throw-in is done by the Ref over his head with his back to the players. Unfortunately the team we were suporting (the Tigers) lost but it was a close game.
We were taken around the places they used on location especially the school they use. Then it was off to the studio to see some of the other places they use, like Lou's car lot and the garage. Then Dr Karl Kennedy appeared. He was a lovely man and was happy to talk to us and have photos taken with him. After signing autographs we headed to the actual Ramsey Street houses and the place is a lot smaller than it appears on TV. After talking lots of photos of the houses, we also got to take photos of us with a sign post. Fun was had by all. After a few hours back at the hostel I was picked up again to go to a Neighbours night. This was another chance to meet some of the stars - two I did not know at all, but Karl was there again. There was a quiz - thankfully not totally Neighbours linked. Unfortunately our team did not win. The evening then really kicked off as Dr Karl's band played lots of great songs and they were really good, he did tell us that he is going to the UK to support Paul McCathney!!
Well I am off on a road trip today with some guys I have met. We are travelling to Adelaide along the Great Ocean Road- still hoping to see Koalas.
Take care
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