Rosie takes over the world!! (solo styly)
WOW, on the way into the city its obvous ur entering like the enw high tech world of super technology, where the monorail goes across the skyline, litter is non existant, shopping us out of this world, the ngiht markets are busy and bustling and the people...well cant say i chatted to any locals but two of us had our purses stolen( and eventually returned with no money...annoying). that included me by the way. i was just so pleased to have my cards bak i didnt care about the 20 ringett or whatever it was. also suzie got twatted on the head by the bartender cos she was trying to get some free booze, he wa san idiot though, thatw as really upsetting, so we cheered ourselves up by yes...dancing on the bars in true attention loving white girl fashion me and the girls were on the bars singing along going for gold. had a bit of an argument with abartender as well cos i thought he was overcharging me, turns out drinks are just well expensive here. KL is so cool, we spent prob 15 hours shoppiung including the night market (fake heaven) and we visited the petronas (twin towers) and menara (communication tower) both in the top ten worlds tallest buildings at 455m and 421m approx respectively, KL really cheered me up cos i had that weird headache thing but now im feeling fine and our hotel tehre had free internet which is always a problem solver. we went for a lovely, prob the best chinese, ive ever had in china town before hitting the market, i now like sweet and sour chicken as well, mmmm. the next morning me and sian had the worst ngihtmare at the malaysian post poffice, we went ther at 12 thinking we could send something home within the hour, well...YEH right, got out sweating, running pressurizes, frustarted annoyed and running for dear life cos we were late for our group meeting at 1pm. it was all good though...we amde it and my stuff is on its way home, i hope :S
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