Had a really good day today. Went to Ayutthaya which is the ancient capital of Thailand with the group i am with. It is about an hour and half from where we are staying on our open sides and back bus (which also has disco lights in). It has a massive temple complex and we went to about 3 of them. it was really beautiful and interesting, and i took a million picutures. We then had lunch in a restaruant before goign to another temple. I had my fortune told in the temple, which said 'you are going to have a pleasant overseas trip' so that was a good job! We also went to Tescos (honestly, you wouldnt believe how excited we all were to go to a tescos, its amazing what you look forward to even though you travel half way round the world to get away from it all!) i bought some Oreos (becasue the dont melt), some new flip flops, some soap and an ice cream all for about 2.50pounds. excellent. we then went to an elephant sanctuary which was really cool and there were loads of baby elephants just running around and coming up to us to be stroked. i love elephants so i was happy. allthough two of the elephants started fighting and acidentally ran into one of the girls in the group who got really badly knocked over and has huge scrapes and bruses over her. it was a really bad knock so we were all a bit scared of them after that! After the elephant sanctuary we went to have a boat ride up the river and had a lovely meal on the boat, it was beautiful as the sun was setting. That was all then spoiled when the karaoke system got rolled out and we started singing to karaoke. I have never done karaoke before (because i am tone deaf) but did it to mamma mia, bohemian rhapsody and i love rock and roll. It was actually really fun and i didnt care that i was crap! I think the local Thai people sitting on the riverbanks found it fun as we got some cheers and clapping.
I much preferred today to yesterday, the people in my group are really nice and friendly, and i might even consider doing the culture week with the others next week which involves spending the night in a buddhist temple for a night and feeding the monks breakfast, and learning about bhuddism and how to meditate from the monks. i would still like to work in the orphanage though so will see.
for those of you thinking of coming to thailand here are some things you need to get used to:
Gekko's gekkos everywhere.
putting toilet paper inthe bin.
drinking out of bowls.
taking your shoes off to do ANYTHING.
Sugar in EVERYTHING. Milk, bread, any food you can think of guarantee it has sugar in it.
Cant upload the pcitures from yesterday and today as i forgot to bring my camera to the internet cafe, but will try to do it in the morning if i get time. Thai Language lessons tomorrow!
You will see in them our co-ordiator, Paris, she is really nice. We have been having a debate amongst ourselves about her birth name. Personally i think Geoff, although some of the others thing Brian or Dave. Its always the hands see, you just cant hide big hands. It feels like everyone here is a ladyboy, but it is just really accepted. I nearly choked though when she said her name was Paris.
Will add photos tomorrow (was playing with camera settings so there are loads).
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