Sorry i havent written for a while! i spent my last couple of days in Perth wtih the friends i had made at the hostel, and generally bumming around Kings Park (so so beautiful) and doing lots of reading. I met up with my friend Phuong who i met in Veitnam but now lives in Perth, and her boyfreind who is originally from liverpool. considering the state of WEstern Australia is 6 times the size of the UK and Ireland combined, i didnt get to see very much of it! Although Perth is the only city in it and there isnt really much else there!
I also had to buy my self some pump shoes because you cant go to a club in australia with flip flops on, which sucks.
So i got on my flight to Darwin, and managed to make a friend on the way. i met a woman who lives in darwin and has two grown up sons. she has invited me over for dinner and to show me around darwin a bit, so that is cool. I had a bit of a stressful time when i go to darwin, as all my plans got messed up. the tour that i was booked to go on on Saturday got cancelled, so i had the option to go on the same trip but on the monday, or a slightly different one but on saturday. i dedcided to go on the monday one, so i was annoyed becasue it screwed up my plans a bit for my time in darwin. I was staying in a room with two other girls, but i didnt even get to meet them, as they left this morning, which i was quite glad about as they were really messy and gross! so i am in a room on my own now, so i will have to wait to see if anyone else moves in. Last night i managed to attach myself to some randoms that i met walking to the pub, and i ended up having a meal with them and watching a really cool talent show. they have gone on a trip today so i am back on my own until i find some new randoms to attach myself too. Today i have just wondered around Darwin and done some sunbathing. Darwin is kind of like a cross between Ao Nang, Carins and Byron Bay. it is really nice and i am really glad i came all the way up here. It is about 30 degrees, but i am not finding it that hot. i mean obviously it is warm, but i do not find it warm enough to sweat or anything. so i am obviously still used to the heat from asia, which has surprised me as i thought i would have got a bit more used to the cold now. it just means that New Zealand is going to be a big shock at 6 degrees! I have also changed my flights again to get the timings right, but i am still coming home on the 8th, just now i have decided to stop in LA! Having previusly said that i never wanted to go there, and i never wanted to go to Vegas, i had to stop there for one night because i couldnt get a connecting flight on the same day, so i just thought, well if i am going to stay in LA for one night, i might as well go to see some of it! since my flight takes me through there, and i dont want to regret it in years to come.
Also a bit of news is that Lee has Swine Flu! he is in Christchurch, and got ill a couple of days after he got there, went to the hospital and they told him he has swine flu! he has had to rent a room all to himself and he hasnt been allowed to leave it for 4 days! so he has had to isolate himself as to not pass it on to anyone else. This means he is running late on his trip, but i am sure that he will catch up eventually. from what he told me swine flu doesnt sound very nice.
Anyway, thats it for now! Like i said i am going to be in darwin until monday morning,so i am contactable until then. after that i dont know what reception will be like on my tour of the bush and i doubt i will be able to charge my phone, so you may not hear from me until next friday night. i am going to be sleeping in swags (like a mat thing you sleep inside) outsdie looking up at the stars, which will be cool. (hopefully not too cold)!
bye for now
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