hi everyone, thanks for your comments, it feels like you are traveling with us. Peter's blog has been updated more often and he is a very interesting writer. His blog address is posted on an early blog of ours, check it out! We apologize for the delay in posting and hope you are not worried about us. all is good. I think the last posting was from Kenya, we have poor or no internet access since then and have traveling through the poorest sections of Africa. The biggest suprise was Ethiopia, it is absolutly beautiful, the drive was most amazing and probably one of the best we have ever done. The part we traveled through was just after the rainy season, it is very high in altitude (we saw 10,000 ft on the gps), the road was newly paved the entire length,as the country is very poor there was little trafic but but great numbers of people walking, day and night. Then we crossed onto Sudan. This was a HARD country to live in!! What a contrast!!! Although the road was good the land was barren and parched. Only 2% of the countries land is able to be cultivated. Much poorer than Ethiopia and sanitation is just not even thought about. Now in Egypt via the dirtiest ferry boat from Sudan you could imagine. So nice to be in a nice hotel for few days. The people are nice but I had my pocket picked the first day walking through town, then the guy had the nerve to try and sell my wallet back to me, it's a good thing there was nothing of value in it or he would have taken that and throw the wallet away. We'll be MUCH more careful.. Ron
- comments
Dan Wyker Great to hear from you, travel safe.
Donella wow! can't wait to see all the pics when you're back. all my love Donella xoxo ps - did u buy back the wallet?? quite the souvenir :) haha
David Tut Tut! So, the Reginan's want to know, is denial just a river in Egypt?
Mark Ruth hi you driving too fast it takes me a month just to get to an internet shop... i am sure you 2 are enjoying the trip i am so busy restoring mt busses... will send photo,s asap... enjoy the rest of your trip Mark and Ruth
Mark and Ruth Hi Ron and we are so inspired we just want to get finished and fix all the 10 Kombi's and come and visit you. We did not get the house in Barrydale -but we are still trying and hope to sell some Kombi's so we can still get the house. Mark bought Kombi - last weekend - an Autovilla - google it! it looks like a tortoise they were only made in South Africa :-) My brother had a serious Motor Bike accident - so we have been spending lots of time at the hospital - but good news he is coming out today - so we are very relieved. Thinking of you both - safe travels - speak again soon. Love from Ruth and Mark
Peggy WOW - what a trip! Can't wait for Christmas and to hear all the details. Love you lots, take care, Peggy