OMG! I like that idea, you should always go with your first instinct, ditch the van and fly out! LOL You could hire a car & driver to finish the trip? Love you, stay safe! :)
Brad And Donella
Awesomme - those pics are great! xoxox
Mike And Carol
We love the pictures. The wild life and the people and the scenery are wonderful. You are forever changed from this experience. Enjoy your adventure and thanks for letting us have a glimpse of it as you do. Love you both, Mike and Carol and kids.
WOW just doesnt seem to sum it up hey? What an adventrue and what an experience! The chicken soup sure looks interesting! Cant wait to hear all about it Travel safe
Love Donna, Dave and TJ
Thomas Joseph Walter Wilchynski
hey grandma and grandpa glad to hear you guys made it to africa ok
hope you guys ahve a wonderful time there!!! also we just had our
wireless hooked up to our computors so it wont be long before we have
skype so we can talk to you in mexico so travel safe and the wilchynski
family (OLIVER WING) loves you!!!
Terry And Gary
Thanks, we are happy for you and appreciate the updates. I know there has to be a baby but I don't have Brad and Donellas current emails. When you have time, could you please send me their info so I can call or email them. Happy travels...
This is great, a wonderful way to share your adventure. Happy Travels, Love Judy