This week we have had 11 new volunteers from Britain, Germany, Norway and the Netherlands. Only half of them have been able to fit in the volunteer house whilst the remainder are at a guest house which isn't great as it always means they don't get to integrate so well. I am one of the longest volunteers now which is weird so I have been trying to impart my wisdom to the "newbies". Although they've been here for less that a week I feel like we've done a really good job of including them, and Anne and I have organised a couple of group dinners. Anne arrived at the same time as me but she still has another 4 months once I leave so we joke that I'm helping her to make new friends for when all of us old ones have left.
Last night when walking to my room I felt something fly across me and presumed it was a frog jumping past (there are literally millions of frogs at our volunteer house and I have countless photos of frogs sitting in the bathroom sink, on the shower head or sat on our shampoo bottles). I thought it was rather strange and went to tell my room mate Vera, imitating what had happened. Unbeknown to me, said frog had not jumped past me but onto my leg, and when I recounted the story my hand brushed it and it jumped onto Vera's bed! Being the girls that we are we screamed and had to ask two of the boys to get it out of our room. By this time the frog had jumped across the bed and onto the curtains. The first boy that tried to catch it shrieked like a girl (although I''m sure he will deny this), but with the help of the second they managed to usher it out of the door. I'm definitely going to be more watchful of frogs when walking to my room in future!
My days in Siem Reap have started to become numbered which I'm rather sad about because the new volunteers all seem so nice and I've been here for so long now that it does feel like a home away from home. Nevertheless I still have a lot of travelling to do before I even get to New Zealand so I am rather excited about that and I have planned my time in order to fit in as much as possible.
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