Rohin goes around the world
All citizens are being warned to be weary of two international travellers, whom homeland security believe to be of 'high risk' and are expected to enter new york some time next week.
the last confirmed sighting of the two wanted suspects was in Dublin, Ireland, where Irish customs officers are at a loss to explain how the two were able to enter the country. It is believed one of the suspects, refeered to as 'George' only, or 'babyfaced Hippi', by Turkish authorities, has modified his appearence, removing his beard and therefor taking 10 years off his appearence.
The second suspect, refeered to only as 'Lance', is believed to have bypassed security checks by appearing 'heavier', although authorities are also at a loss to eplain how this has happened. There are unsubstaniated reports that 'Lance' actually impersnated and 'angry german' but this can not be confirmed at the time of this warning being issued.
Eye witness reports claim the two were uncharacter like on the first night in Dublin, which is understood to be due to confusion between the two about 'time differences'. Despite this, the two settled into their usual ways on the second night, where they met two young polish women at a major club in Dublin, wher the women later described the two as 'awsome dancers', claming the literally 'cut up the dance floor'. Despit this authorities ar extremely concerned as their signature dance moves, which caused mayehm through out Turkey and Greece, were rarely seen, thus spreading fear into nyc night club owners that the moves will be unleashed on its unsuspecting venues, something its clientele may not be ready for.
US authorities also believe the two are to rendesvou with a US ctizen curently living in New York. Known only as 'Auds' authorities have grave concerns for her safety as she may be extremely underprepared to deal with these two.
Authorites ask that all females and other party goers be wary of the two suspects, as this believed to be their last venture together, and thus it is expected to be 'pretty crazy'.
The public is also warned that if you do come across these two whilst intoxicated, do not be offended if they 'can' your city, as this is merely a tactic to get a reaction from you, and thus begin a conversation which you may find difficult walking away from.
The Mayor ask that you cotniue living your lives as you have, but be weary of these two suspects, because if found in their company, you will not want to leave.
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