Rohin goes around the world
Well Im now in Fondi on my way back from a little get away weekend where I spent Friday night in Naples and then Sat night in Amalfi. Problem is I just looked up the bus and it seems there is no other bus to get me back to Lenola today cos its sunday. So looks like im hitchhiking. bloody hope somebody picks me up cos its a 10km walk. Doh.
Anyway the public transport to get to Naples was pretty s***. The bus was some 40mins late from Lenola and that meant I missed the train and the next one was 2 hours later. Then I realised I left my sunnies on the bus. Doh. hoping like hell a nice old lady picked them up as she knows where im staying in Lenola. Got some new ones for 7€ though in Naples so i feel a bit better. Still bummed though.
So eventually I got to the hostel in Naples and only nearly died 15 times. Naples in manic. there are a million scooters, cars and no road rules at all. if you want to cross the road you just take a step of faith and walk out into the traffic. bloody amazing. I generally waited till somebody else was crossing and went with them. The hostel was very social and I met people straight away and established that it was going to be big night on the town. Had a ball but the club was a bit slow, oh well beers were cheap. I was going to go to Sorrento but the crew were all headed to a hostel in Amalfi and they could get me a bed so I went with them. didnt see much of naples but it was all pretty much the same. Scooters, no rules and lots of crazy drivers.
Amalfi is a costal town planted on a cliffs edge. From the hostel it was 1000 steps to the beach. Could get a boat back to town and a bus back up though, big save there. The hostel owner also owns a pub so we all went there and then onto a night club. Drank pretty hard, danced a bit and I have no idea what time I left. Woke up this morning and did the 1000 steps and just layed on the beach. Very nice indeed. It was good to be able to talk to people so I feel a bit normal again.
Well must get walking, got me a 4 course all you can drink meal to have.
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