hey peeps and peepettes,
so last post was from bamako, me and nick had just had a great night out, sleeping off a hangover while robyn was up early, writing the blog and generally being productive, so the next night we went out for quite an oo la la meal but the prices where quite reasonable, then went to a cool bar where theyt had good live music, bit of jazz to start with before decending into al sorts.
the next day we slept in, oops whiwh meant ,issing our buss after turning up at the station at 10, but some guy took us to a place where a slightly more unofficial was destinned for keyes (the mali/senegal border), this was a bad mistake, the truck didnt actaully leave untill about 5 so we where sitting artound in leather makers ally chillin with the flies and dead animals all day lov er ly.
so it went from bad to worse, this one trip to kayes took at total of 33 hours, numerous breakdowns and prolonged loading stops, not fun. next section of the journy, Kayes to tambacounda, should have only tooken 5 hours but ended up taking 12 cuase of a ridiculous border fiasco. the last leg of the trip took another 12 hours but with only 1 break down, how lucky where we.
thankfully now we are enjoying the beach to its full at Cap skiiring which is a nice place and we have the resort to ourselves cause it aint tourist season yet; cool.
ok this is me chekin out, stay in touch, stay cool and be happy.
robbie xxx
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