Steve is there anything else you want me to give Gray b 4 he leaves the uk ? Cant find your pin sorry boy. On the plus side, do you remember the holiday seminar i went to and got the free t.v. Well i now have the free holiday yes we are going to the canary islands. The resort is brand new and has its own golf course how great is that. dont forget check your emails, love and miss you son.
Little Jon
Nice website fellas - Gray, thought I'd get a message in early! Have a good one mate... see when you when you come back! Lil Jon
I like packing, i like packing i like packing and i like to pack!! hmm thinking about it only steves going to understand that!! under 48 hours to go!!!!!
Steve - Globetrotter
Heya Donna! Great to hear that youre addicted to our ya popping on and leavin messages. Yeah when i get home ill give you girlies a bell and give you the low down!! Are you and Lisa still thinking of going to OZ?? Would be well good to see you out there!!! Yeah were having an absolute whale of a time at the mo. Only a week left in South America, thejn we meet up with Gray in New Zealand. Just chilling out in bariloche to prepare for the big treck up the volcano......people who have already done it have said that it was the best and worst day of their lives because it was such hard work getting up to the top but the views are incredible. Apparently they give us spikey shoes and ice axe things to climb up it God its gonna be hard!!! We climbed a dirty great mountain the other day in Torres Del Paine...ive never been so knackered in all my life...i was 5th to the top though which aint bad eh!? Took me 3 hours! Poor old Robbie was a good 40 mins behind me...and moaned loads apparently, hehehe! Errr, what else have we done that we aint told you about yet....errr....oh yeah we went to see The Moreno glacier which i heard rumours about it being the biggest in the world or summin? Not sure if thats true but it was 4 kilometres wide and 350 kilometres long....yes it was MASS!! Went on a boat around it and if you wanted to you could have whisky and coke with glacier ice...NICE!! You can see all the pics now...theres quite a few more on there now....argentina and chile, check them out!! We had chocolate fondue yesterday, never had it before was lovely! Err, think thats about it for now....remember keep checking the pics cos were always updating now!!! Peace!!!
Robbie Globe Trotter
A big congrats to Phil and Kirstin Shepherd, Who are expecting there first baby!, due October.......................gawd your making me feel old mate! ; )
Hey Steeeeeve, GOD Im jealous!!! Just had a look at all of the pics they're wicked, your getting to see sooo much, and I cant believe your going to a LIVE volcano, a bit scary but Id have a bash at that, yea!! I think its safe to say I'll be quizzing you loads about this trip when you return... I wanna go! Anyway keep the pics (especially the cutie animal ones) and messages coming, Im addicted! Oh and hey to Pezza, all of us girlies in Sunny Scunny (that is not sunny I might add) are fine and dandy thanks, hope you okay! Take care steve, Donna x
Robbie Globe Trotter
More pickys under Argentina and Chile!................ Enjoy!
Colin 13 Cronin
Hi Steve, what a brill website, and what a great time you are all having. Harry likes the footy pics. how about some fast car photos for H, and some airplane photos for me. Take care, colin, diane, H.
Dad Of Globtrotter Steve
Check your emails and reply a.s.a.p
Steve - Globetrotter
Heya peeps.....were back in the civilised world now at last. Been climbing up dirty great mountains the middle of nowhere the last few days. Theres been no shops, internet, phones....anything. Was absolutely amazing though. Sorry, this wont be a very long message cos we havent got long (busy busy busy) but just to let you know were still alive and well, still having a wicked time. Were in a place called Bariloche at the mo in Argentina (for the millionth time) and they make the most amazing chocolate here so were gonna stuff our faces. In a couple of days were gonna be climbing up a dirty great LIVE volcano and will see lava which is gonna be amazing....cant wait. Ok gotta go, sorry it was so quick, will do a proper update very soon. Love you all, keep the messages coming x x x
Hey Fellas, hope all is well where you are? Pictures are wicked carnival looked like a right laugh and Rob you look like a natural mate. Gnarls Barkley went into number 1 on downloads alone yeasterday first record to do so not a bad effort. Soon off to New Zealand for you boys which I hear looks like the 1960's but with smelly travellers like yourselves, but looking forward to more of your stories. Good to see some of the Ibiza crew on the website hope all four of you are ok up there in sunny scunny?
Robs Dad
Gray same for us can you give us a call we have some bits for Rob in NZ