hey man sorry i aint been leaving you loadsa messages was readin yours though sound like you avin a great time! sent you next lost email they had another one of them breaks again wat is that all about a???? anyway nothin much goin on other here as you can imagine! miss you loads man cant wait till ya get back!!!! disapointed in that savage steve was it a paperbag situation you dirty dirty boy!! he he better be off i will leave you more message since you told me off ha! missin ya loads xx
Staj, need your vote for Holtwood's players player mate, will give you a match report for yesterday later! Need the vote next time you are on here!
Rosie Nips
rosie nips here! just want to say good work with the pics, i want to do the same with mine now. am i the first from the group to write a message or has someone else beat me to it?
see you later! danielle xxx
Rob And Steve
Back in 4 to 5 days, off climbing mountains in the south of Chile basically in the middle of nowhere!, Look forward to reading all your comments soon! byeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Message for Gray! Remember to get the rough guides to Australia and New Zealand from my house before you leave! Tar Lad
Rob Globe Trotter
Stop getting me drunk then girls! ; ) MORE PICKYS ON THE WEB SITE, INCLUDING THE SCENIC VIEW, and one especially to embarese Cesca and Lou, I mean Dave ; )
ahhh you see, the vital word in cesc and daves message is....YET!!! Anyway, i have...she was just pig ugly.....yes Gem, what you would call a SAVAGE!!!! Vicky, Cam and Joe, great to hear from ya....gonna email you very soon. Hope youre still having a wicked time....check out the pics!!!! Theres some wicked ones of us lot on there, especially form the toc toc bar!!!! In other news, did you see us stuff the toffees?? GET IN!!! Gray, we managed to see the goals matey, super harry kewells oine was a peach!!!! Cant wait to meet up with ya now dude, not long now...its gonna be ace with the three of us!!! And you can do all the driving and picture taking cos we know you like that, hehehehe! Oh yeah, Face....that River shirt i bought is the white one, similar to your one, with Gallardo on the back....although i wish i had got montenegro cos he is class.....see if hes any good on fm mate, jim said people are calling him the new maradona or summin!!! Darryl, great to hear from you son, cant believe thats the first message youve sent tho..sort it out dude, hehehe!!! Were still having a great time everyone.....theres EVEN MORE pics on here now....some more scenery now...before it was just pics of us getting lashed cos im the evening camera man and robbie is day time camera man but hes put all of his on now.....CHECK THEM OUT!!!!
Hey mateys! under 2 weeks to go!!! the pictures are wicked have come out really well, am sure theres going to be lots of jealous people looking at them!! its good to see your keeping the pasty white boy look going! managed to get to see the liverpool game yesterday in deepest dorset!! they have only jus t got tv down there! all was dark in the land of the sprites!!! gerrard got sent off after 18 mins for his second yellow card in about 50 seconds! the first one was harsh tho, ref was a bi card happy, liverpool played better after he had gone and after a good spell of pressure super phill neville scored a blinder for us rite on half time! about 3 mins into the second half garcia did a gorgeous lob to make it 2 nill, should play with 10 more often, tim cahill got one back but they didnt really look like doing anything else, then hary kewel scored a cracking goal from bout 20 odd yards! everton had there sub sent off for elbowing alonso. blinding game 3-1 . oh yeah we have drawn the blue scum again!! no suprise there then! see you soon gray
Cesc And Dave
No they haven´t scored yet!!!! And boys you really need to be more discreet about talking about people......you might have caught us out in payback for us listening the first time, but don´t forget we heard you again after that!!!! Rrrrrrrrrubbish!! And we know the website address now!!!!
And stop snoring Rob!
ello lads !!!
great pics dude.
so liverpool have the cheating and diving chealsea again in the semi final.
so hows your pulling scorecard at the mo lads ??
Result of merseyside derby : Liverpool 3 - Everton 1
Good things happening 2 me at the mo :)
i'm still working, playing pro evo and fm. plus also chatting up the birds at work, currently emailing 3 birds at the same time
plus i cn't remember what happened after 12pm friday night was totally bladdered :) i got some weird messages on my phone :)
Bad things :(
no bike, going back 2 work tomozz.
catch ya laterz dudes
Hello treacle, Vick, Joe and Camilla here! Hope you´r still having it large, scored with any of the girlies yet? Actually bet we already know the answer. He he! In Peru at the mo and get to go for a homestay tomorrow night on an island in Lake Titicaca where we get to dress up in Peruvian outfits. Oh yes! Will have to send you the pics cos bet we'll look hot. Uploading our pics at the mo so will send you the email address soon. Love looking at your photos.
Take care x
Hey Stevie boy (sweetheart) !!!! Hows it all going? i am sooo jealous babe !!!!miss you like crazy at work!!!!!!!! its so boring now your gone!! hope your enjoying yourself..im sure you are! hope you havent been near any savage!!!! ha ha
cant wait untill you get back were meet up with tiff for a drink im sure you have loads of stories to tell!!!!! take care! x x gem x x