You've still got Santiago as your current location!! and I know for sure that you are in Auckland 'cos I've spoken to you!!
Steve - Globetrotter
YA CAN'T GIVE A BABY BOOZE!!! G'day peeps! Just to let you know we are all (Gray, Robbie and myself that is) safe and sound and now settled in Auckland NZ!! Weve just picked up "Susan" the camper van who is an absolute beauty i might add ;-) and will shortly be making our way up to Robs Mum and Dads friends house somewhere up north (not exactly sure where yet). To keep everyone up to date on our recent events which have been an absolute nightmare for Rob and I (Rob in particular, bless him). We had been in Santiago, Chile for about a day or so and decided to go to Tinternet cafe for a bit to add pics to the website, back up our pics on the ipods and confirm our flights from Santiago to Auckland, hence putting everything in a bag. Thats 2 diaries, 2 ipods, 2 digi cameras with mem cards, all my internet banking details and robs passport and round world tickets! Unfortunately i was holding the bag, which is not normally a good idea 'cos i tend to lose stuff on a regular basis, wallets in particular! Anyway, in said internet cafe i sat down at a computer, putting the bag by my legs....5 mins later, engrossed in an email i was sending, rob then asked for his camera. I then looked down and to my horror it had gone!!!!! Some absolute w***er had nicked it!! I cant believe i didnt even notice :-( Anyway, cutting a long story short, poor old robbie had to stay in chile for an extra day and had to get a new passport. Were all here safe and sound now thoughso dont worry and we should be able to claim back pretty much everything on the insurance. Right, Susan is calling, weve got some travelling to do. Speak soon and keep the messages coming!!!
Rob Globe Trotter
Hi all, just a quick message to say ive arrived in N Z, and am at the hostel with the rest of the mob, but very jet lagged, my body is telling me its 6am yesterday but the time is 11pm today, which I think is 11am to you eerrrgghgghh, time for bed!
Dad Of Steve
hi all in cyprus soon to be in eguipt having fun in the sun glad to see all has been resolved and we can sleep easy now. love to all
Rob's Mum & Dad To Rob
Rob - I thought you would like to know that your little sister is officially a qualified children's nurse - we've got the champagne cooling in the fridge!! We'll drink a toast to you hopefully arriving in New Zealand at the same time!
Rob's Mum & Dad & Laura
Gray - loved the pictures of your American leg of the journey especially the plane pictures. Bill says he's surprised they let you into New Zealand with the state of those trainers!!! Hope you hadn't been on a farm before you left this country - Who knows what you are carrying!!
Koeman have been entered into Round 6 of The Suns Battle of the bands. If you follow the link above it will take you to the voting page. All you have to do is click KOEMAN and SEND and then thats it. There are no forms to fill out, it's simple.
We hope you can get us into the next round. Thanks for your help. See you at a gig hopefully.
Koeman / Amu
Hellooooo from auckland just to let everyone no we have got here safe and hopefully robs turning up tomorrow. i have put my usa pictures if you want to have a look!
Rob's Mum
and a very big thanks to Mahn (whoever you are!!) from Rob's Mum and Dad - we can have a more relaxed Easter break now!!
Steve - Globetrotter (Now In New Zealand)
G'day from Auckland, New Zealand. Just a quick one to let you all know that i am ok and had a wicked flight. Still at the airport at the mo, waiting for gray who should be here shortly!! If a lot of you are scratching your heads wondering where Rob is, he is still in Santiago, Cile at the mo, but dont worry he is fine and will be ith us in a day or so....we will explain all on the site very soon! Peace!
Rob Globe Trotter, In South America On My Tod
Hi All, bit of better news, Ive been confirmed on a flight out of here tommorow, arriving in New zealand on the 15th April in time for my birthday celebrations! Thank you all for your nice emails, and big thanks to Mahn and her quick thinking in informing the embassy so quick, speeding up the process of me getting a new passport, and rearranged flight. Spk soon all, Rob : ) x
Rob's Mum
chin up Rob - you'll soon be with some friendly faces