Today was the first time I drove in Fiji, I drove from Nadi to Suva with my aunty and nephew in tow. As it was the first time I've driven in Fiji I was a little nervous but after 10 mins I was cruising along, taking in the scenery and loving every minute of it!! The road ran along the south coast of Viti Levu along the coastline so you can imagine the was crystal blue sea and palm trees all the way.
We stopped in a town call Navua for sone food and drink then 3 1/2 hours after leaving Nadi we arrived in Suva . My main purpose of coming to Suva was to see a lot of my dads family, it was near enough exactly one year ago my family fulfilled dads last wish for his ashes to be placed in the sea in his home country so to spend time with his sisters and their sons and daughters was emotional but at the same time very heart warming near enough all of them said I look like and remind them a lot of dad which was really nice to hear, at least i'm not getting dads bald patch hahaha
Thurs 9th MayMy cousin Jiten took me back to Naselu Beach which is where we placed dads ashes in the sea. This was the time for me to pay respects to him, reminisce about him and say a little prayer for him. Whilst standing with my feet in the water all I could think about were the good times we shared but also knowing he's not in pain anymore and is in a better place. Always gone but never forgotton, love you pops xxxx
That night Jiten and I sat down with one of his friends and another cousin drinking Fiji Bitter & a few bowls of Kava. I've never really enjoyed Kava but when in Rome and all that lol Jiten had bought some coconut crabs from some local Fijians, now these crabs dont look like regular crabs more like giant prawns/mini lobsters!! they tasted devine, yum yum yum!! no way do we get them back home so when I return to Fiji I will definitely ask to eat them again........after a good feed it was time to put the mosquito nets down and crash out.
Friday 10th MayAfter a hot night I took a nice refreshing cold shower in the morning, ate breakfast then we headed to Nasouri market to do some shopping. I had a hanging to eat some more Fijian crab & prawns so went in search but to no avail we were told we were too late! so we decided we would wake up extra early tomorrow to make sure we could purchase what we came for! We had lunch with another uncle before heading to another one of dads sisters house to spend the night.
Saturday 11th MayTodays main aim: CRAB, LOBSTER & PRAWNS!!We arrived at Nasouri Market at 8.30 sharp!! we were then spoilt for choice of the seafood we came seeking for. 12 crabs, 3 large lobsters & 1kg of prawns later, our main mission was complete lol. Its mothers day here in Fiji tomorrow and as I'm staying with mums big sister, I decided she will be my mother for the day and we'll cook the seafood then and have a proper feast, nom nom nom
We had lunch at another one of dads sisters house then I dropped aunty off at her cousins place, I returned to where we stayed last night to finish reading my book and look forward to sipping some cold ones with my cousins . Tomorrow we drive back to Nadi for the Mothers Day celebrations, I'll write about that and my remaining time in Fiji in my next entry.
Until then peepsMuch loveRobxxxx
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