Melbourne, Victoria
Hy guys this is our first report from australia. So far it has been pretty ace. Although i havent seen any 'roos' yet. maybe ill wait till we get out of the big city :) At the momen tim sitting in our hostel in MElbourne, which OK i guess just my room is right next to train tracks and toms smells of cigs and stuff. Melbuorne is a prettty cool town. It seems like its half Londo nand half New York. Weve found a really good skatepark which weve been to several times, but theres loadas of tiny kids that are incredible which is a bit intimidating :) tommrow we leave for adelaide. We get free apple pie at the hostel we booked! well probably do another entry in few days. Lastly id just like to say that i know im an amazing person, and i know how much youll all be missing me so just keep your heads up yeh?:) x
Hellooo, If you're reading this it means you havnt yet forgotten that we're not htere anymore. Thanks. THe flights here were pretty good but we had to wait in hong kong airport for about 6 hours so we thought we should get a burger king! hell yeah. When we arrived here some girls told us that their hostel was much better than this one cos it was full of english people. But we came to this one anyway and its alright, but we got put into differnent rooms for some reason and both have their bad qualities. So far Australians seem really friendly except for the emo kids who are even worse over here, one was shouting down the phone to her mum saying she 'hadn't taken gear' which was nice. Anyway we're going to Adelaide tomorrow evening to go to another hostel which will hopefully be a bit quieter than this one. See you later!
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