You guys still alive? Any new shenanigans (or the first lot?) to report? How's the beer and ladies?
Keep us informed: I'm living vicareously through you (stuck in the library oing revision!)....
i meant scars
Stephen Belsey
glad ur having a good time! have u meet any ladies? ive just got a wii! have u broken any bones or newscares yet?
Ami's right, what were you fools playing at!? Anyway, I wanna here some more stories about emo's and stuff, so get writing. Illustrate them with some pics aswell lol. See you
glad the flight went ok, so u were there for a few days and some girls already hinted that u should go to their hostel u dont mess about do ya lol its a shame u didnt take them up on the offer :)
Just a wee note to wish y'all all the best: and remember: Don't do anything I wouldn't do (so not much then...).
Anyway,can't wait for the stories when you get back!