HI Zoey and Rob, well quess your nearly of to Figi, make the most of the sun because you know what our summers are like back in england, looking forward to having you home again lots of love mum and dad xx
Val N Richard
hi zoey,cant beleive its coming to an end,girls (especially sara )counting the days til u come home.sounds like you,ve had and still having a good time.make the most of it.see you soon.
Mum & Dad
Hi Zoey, glad things have looked up a bit, hope your looking forward to N.Z and Figi, cant wait to see you in April/May, love you loads Mum & Dad xx
heey x sorry dnt write on this v often x but i still read the updates dw :D x aitn forgotten u cuz we still tlk on facebook loads x :D x jst gunna take a peep at the fotos noow :) x love you :D x
hey guys hope all is well down under still checkin this place 4 new pics all looks awesome speak soon
Louise Ch
Hey Zoey dont worry we are still here! lol. Just been looking at your photos from Sydney and they are lush can't believe you are all they way over there! lol. I hope one day i could have the courage to do what you have done, oh and the money lol. Hear from you soon, glad you are both enjoying yourselves. Love you! x
Mum & Dad
Hi Zoey & Rob, i always look for your updates on a regular basis, i love them. Sounds like the job hunting isn't going well still. still hopefully you will get something soon. I have put a little money in your account and will put more next week when i get paid. love you loads. mumxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mum & Dad
Happy New Year to you both, hope you had a great new year party. Looking forward to hearing from you on our New Years Day. Send more photos, i need to see you lol. Speak soon loads of love Mum & Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mum & Dad
Merry Christmas Zoey & Rob, hope you enjoyed your stocking presents, money going into your bank to treat yourselves in the January sales lol. Speak to you on your boxing day and our christmas. love you loads miss you boo hoo. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mum & Dad
Good day to you both, i love the photos, dosn't seem to be too sunny though. till its better than the cold and ice we have here at the mo. Glad your present has arrived and no peeking till xmas morning, don't forget to open it on the bed like we would if you were home. Zoey, Dad martyn and me have seen Twilight, i thought it was great but the book is better but cant wait for the new film next year. Catch up again soon , all my love to you both Love mum and dad. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sexy Chippie
yo dudes, thought i d say how the devil are you guys but from what i ve read your having a bloody good time! now don t party to hard will you, rob may not be able handle it, he he. love, hugs and kisses guys, andrew
Mum And Dad
hi Zoey & Rob, fantastic news on the job front, get ouy there and flog them (loads of money, lol). Yes Zoey your christmas stocking is on its ways, £48.99 postage so you,d better enjoy the items included. Sounds like yoy have a few parties coming up with the new job, hope you see some famous stars.(shame Edward wont be there though.) It was great talking on Sunday, speak again soon. love and hugs mum and dad xxx