Hii x ino thats the good news :) x but ave some bad news and that is mkone has closed down!!:( x
am noow workin in bristol store and become supervisor :) x lol x
hope ur avin a brilll time x and im missin u more everyday! :'( x
love yo both trilllions x sara xxxx
Louise Chidzey
Hello zoey and rob im glad you are both havin a great time! im soo jealous! cant wait till we see the photos.
missing u loadsxxxx
yo sis and waz up my niger it s*** back here cant wait till i go glad ur having a gd time im working my ass off so deppresing lol hope i see u guys in canada the twon
Mum & Dad Fletch
Hi Rob and Zoey its sounds like you are having a wonderful time we hope you are taking loads of photos which we will see soon,we are both very envious especially of your time in Malawi.Now just for you Rob(sorry Zoey) heres your sport up date,Leeds have won again they are now 2nd in the league. Hamilton won the chinese Grand prix, he's 7 points clear and only needs to finish 5th in the Brazilian Grand prix which takes place next Sunday-2/11/2008.
Anyway both of you take care and can't wait to hear from you both again
lots of love Mum & Dad XXXXX
Katie Phillips
Hi Rob and Zoey Hope you are having a great time have you seen lots of different fish when you went snorkelling? and when you saw the monkey did you think of me. i am sending this at your house rob missing you loads katie
Val N Crack
hi zoey good to hear ur having fun.so jealous! luv val n crack
Mum & Dad
Hi Zoey & Rob, just read your first blog,it sounds like your having a ball, nice picture of the elephants,did you see them or is it a postcard, take care both of you we all miss you loads, love & hugs Mum & Dad xxx
Helloooo guys!
glad to hear you're having a brill time. i miss you so much! it's like shocking, you've taken my heart with you zo, im pining after you hahaha! try to avoid any animals with teeth methinks they may try to eat you.
sending you extraordinary amounts of love and hugs
heeeeewwoo you guys! hope you too are having a fab time! i am still uber jealous!! missing you loads! our love of John Adams shall live on :P lol! take lots of pics of cute animals! try not to get eatin by them too! cause knowing zoey you will prob have a few near misses! LOL MISSES YOU LOVAGES!! xxx
Hello Zoey & Rob! x How are you both. I hope your loving every moment. Zoey u really dont no how much us girls are missing you baby girl. Please take care and have lots of fun. Love you lots x x x mwah x x x Kelly x x
heey zoey and rob! :)
hope your avin funn!
am missin u lots and lots! x
and just to let u no im bck livin with ma mum now :) x
lots of kisses and huggies :) x
sara x x x x x x
Mum & Dad
hi Zoey & Rob, just wanted to be the first to say hope you,re having a fab time. Keep away from te creepy crawlies and lions, hope to hear from you both soon lots of love mum and dad.xxx