Victoria falls....its not surprising that this is one of the seven natural wonders of the world! we sat less than a metre from death today as we sat in the devil pool. after a disappointing day yestersay ( the falls are very dry this time of year and wasnt a great view yestreday) we made up for it today. the reason that you can only do this at this time of year is beacuse it dry enough to walk where the water normally flows over in the rainy season. walking along the cliffs with a 108 metre drop next to you is incredible! got some amazing photos which we will upload at a later date. the devils pool is right at the top of the water fall, the water goes past you and drops just a metre away, its incredible, words can not describe! its easily been the highlight of our trip so far. cant beleive i have just been swimming around at the top of victoria falls! this picture is very similar to the ones we took today, the view was amazing, especially compared to yesterday! love u all and thanks for all the u xxxxxxxxx
ps for sara!! im so glad ur back at home!!! and get facebook please love u xxx
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