hi everyone!!
well guess a bum!!! basically we all went on strike becuase they cut our pay without warning, even though we had contracts etc, so we all said well were not been messed around, and we want written documents about the pay cut, and then they have started firing us lol, so i will probably be soon, so at the moment not working, just shopping with carla, oneof our friends from africa!
rob has a new job, just working in a shop, but is getting like 100 quid a day so hes feeding us both haha!
had some good nights out recently. rob had to drink a pint through a asock which was hilarious, but he lost to a girl haha!
just been getting ourselves ready for xmas, doing some shopping and putting up our baby tinsel tree! finally receive mums parcel of goodies, so me and rob have recieve stuff from home now which is exciting! but its going to be really weird not been with you all at christmas, think were going to hit the beach, and chill. if the weather is good that is, its been quite on and off, with storms and sun all mixed together!
try and get our OZ pictures up soon for u all to look at!
hope to write another blog before xmas but if we dont, hope u all have an amazing christmas, and get lots of nice pressies from santa =D
lots of love and hugs
zoey and rob
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