Rob and shelley on tour
Hi to everyone from Cambodia,
We've arrived here after Vietnam and first impressions are great - the hotel is amazing probably the best so far ...the only problem we had was gwetting into the country as it took us about an hour and half to get through the visa and passport controls - it must've been cause Shelley was looking shifty!!
We were picked up early the next morning for our tour of the temples - as usual Shell pretended she was asleep in the back of the car so Rob had to do all the talking with the new guide - and this bloke was definetley a chatty one giving us his whole family history (which was very sad) and his unsuccesful quest to find a bride which he hoped to achieve within a 6 month deadline.
Anyway back to the temples - we started off with the smaller ones in the morning and they were beautiful although the weather was really hot and the place was chocker with other tourists...One of the larger temples had been used in the dodgy 'Tomb Raider' film and our guide took great delight in showing us exactly which bits were filmed where.
In the afternoon we got to look around Angkor Watt which is the real 'daddy' of the temples - again it was really busy but we got a really good look around and both of us even managed to climb right to the top where the views were amazing !!
Later on we followed the masses up a really steep hill to watch the sunset - this realy was amazing and took both of our breaths away (so did the climb up !!) After having a chat with the elephants at the top we made our way back down - not quite as quicly as a Japanese girl who managed to tumble down face first !! - at least she didn't damage her camera !!
After a long day of culture we were both done in and headed back to the hotel for a swim and even got to watch 'Alias' on cable - very exciting !!
Off to the floatig village on Tonle Sap lake tomorrow - not sure what to expect we'll let you know !!
all our love
Rob and Shelley
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