Rainy day so pottered around a bit before heading down the Sumida - gawa (river) to the Detached Palace Garden. There was what seemed like a whole class of 11 year olds on the boat with us who wanted to practice their English so we passed a happy half hour with conversation like.. 'Becky! Becky! What is your favourite colour?!' 'I like purple' and .....(me) 'Ummm do you like animals?' Rob seemed to escape the interrogation slightly as he was sat the other side of me. Each question was preceded by minutes of conferring between the whole class before the spokeswoman would turn solemnly to me and ask the questions. Quite exhausting really but finished with a much appreciated photo session. Unfortunately we didn't use the opportunity to get some 'onesies' but twosies seem quite popular in Japan. (hard to explain to those of you who aren't aware of the 'Onesy' but see photos that follow when we can get Rob's pics on here)
The Detached Palace Garden was very picturesque even in the rain and we treated ourselves to tea ceremony with a small cake and some green tea before heading back home.
Discovered a 100 Yen shop in Asakusa - they definitely have the right idea over here = first of all everything's 50p but best of all - (unlike Pounstretcher etc) - it's actually things you'd like to buy. Will be returning at some point for bargain hunting I think!
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