Hi to you both...i have enjoyed following your adventure its been great ...all the stories and pictures are amazing...you will have to put a book together about it all...oh! happy birthday to who's it was...
Take care x Angie
I love your blogs amiga- think you should publish you travel stories when you come back! You're off to Iguazu Falls where I went, hooray!!!!! You'll LOVE it there! (Prepare yourself for the bit when the boat takes you right under the fall.) Lots of love and see you soooon : ) XX
The Mysterious Shouter
Loving the latest batch of Pink Pooch pictures. Gee, I miss that pooch.
Do you want courgette cupboard crumble for Swissmas?
Mazin pics from the Galapagos islands and Peru. Berti's hair is looking very blonde - been on the sun-in!
Trinick and I wishing we could get over to Rio for the finale but doesn't look too promising I'm afraid.
Good luck with the M.P trek.
Is Carlos still smiling? What a jolly fellow. Galapagos' answer to Santa perhaps?! Love the animal pics! Looks like paradise. Feel like a need a piece of it right now...have got the flu, sniff, sniff. Chat soon amigos and enjoy the latino experience ! xx
Martin Gilson
have a good one, me and scully went for a beer last week, he is in a rock band in hyde these days!!
see you soon
Did you look at it from this angle?...
hey kids, glad to see you're still having fun. photos are great & getting me very excited about coming to NZ in 7wks... Becky, I hope you're taking the necessary precautions against contracting hepatitis c,d,e,f & g. and even h. As we learnt in 2002, NZ hostels appear to be high-risk areas for such ills. lots of love xx
Hello You Two,
Your stories just get better and better .... keep them coming. Freezing fog and snow here in the UK so enjoy the warmth of NZ.
Love to you both (and Pink Pooch)
Jillywill xxxxxxxxxxxx
Loved to hear about your Chirstmas day with the seals - sounds so lovely. Hope you have the most amazing new year both of you and enjoy your cd's learning a bit of Espanol!! Back in Doha now - all a bit strange!! Take care and say hi to Dr Rob - my class are following your progress around the globe!! HAPPY NEW YEAR xxxx.
"Have you ever, ever felt like this? How strange things happen are you going round the twist?" Brilliant! Did you go up the lighthouse?! xx
SPEECHLESS!! How fabulous .... lost for words. One question ... does the stowaway have a passport?