Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Aug 24, 2017 Well as the trip winds down it seems so do we, our day in KL is downgraded to a lay day, ( perhaps I should have rested earlier in the trip, but there was so much to see) after sleeping
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Aug 23, 2017 The return trip is always the hardest, staying at the airport meant only getting up at 530am, this was a big time saving, getting to the airport ,at the North terminal,to meet staff , for our 10 am flight to let them know Marakech is traveling with a O2 machine, and attempt to sort out the mess with the tickets back to Singapore, which we unfortunately couldn't resolve, so nothing like checking in, and getting through customs only to pulled aside at baggage scann...
London, UK Aug 19, 2017 Press repeat, well not quite, only a 30 minute stroll, porridge again. I think I've had more hot cooked breakfasts in the last month, than the last 2 years, then back up to the hop on hop off bus as we had a 24 hour pass , taking the tour again which we were able to seat right at the front and get a better view so was nice, getting off for our Thames river cruise which is included with your bus tour, giving you a different look at the city and quite interesting...
London, UK Aug 17, 2017 Final morning in Tintagel, finally get a sleep in , showered and down for breakfast at 9 , scrambled eggs on brown bread, time for one last cooked breakfast, lol. Then pack the bags , and check out, one final wander up the Main Street of Tintagel, then we were off heading for London, just couldn't stop admiring the beautiful countryside and coastline, it truely is magnificent, stopping along the way for for fuel ⛽️ for the car and ☕️ fuel for ourselves...