hello everyone..
Really is long time no speak..just because we both work now and we arent doing anything exciting lol..We are both enjoying working at the restaurant, its sooo sociable, drinks and stuff after work..i am also working at a cafe 2 days a week, which is meant to be going up when it gets hotter..41 degrees is the hottest its been since we last spoke..ross doesnt like it..although we are both getting better its just not overly pleasant walking 3km to work in it..and back.. :) good for us though! We worked Melbourne Cup on tuesday just gone..was a good day, but its over rated for us non aussies that were working..alot of people get it actually have a public holiday for adelaide do for adelaide race thingy too!! had a few barbies as you would expect..although the wierd aussies eat watermelon with hot food..ive just been eating millions of watermelon..its so cheap and tasty when cold and its juuuicy :) ... We went to GLenelg (not the one in scotland or we would of popped in for a cuppa christine :) ) to the beach..we bought loadsa nice stuf, soem books and stuff, had a nice meal at 'Hogs Breath' where we had steaks..and i was a good fish and had it medium rare as reccomended as to not spoil the steak..and it was tasty! We both fet sick after eating it all haha!! i have been doing 3 jobs this week, been helping kaye also at her now old work by cleaning it, coz the poor woman who does clean it lost her son :( so was helping them out! so was pooped this week..getting up at 6.30 and not getting home somedays till quarter to 2 am..ok so we stopped to socialise but still was a loong day!!
The only thing that spoiled going to glenelg..but not for long was the absolute fkn morons you get on the train/tram..numerous junkies off their face on crystal meth..another chav'tastic mam, with a hill billy dad with about 6 kids..and what appeared to be another one on the way..letting the kids run riot..which included screaming..crying..banging..and a 3year old messing about around the doors on a god knows how many mph train..then trying to run when it stopped..the mam n tht just thought it was hilarious...i was raging..and so was this woman who got off and bolloked them for being incapable dickheads..AMEN!! and just people talkn absolute bull!! Oh or the 15 year olds being all lovey dovey right infront of us with nowhere to go for an hour... eeeeurrrghh!!
Well in the past week or so theres numerous reasons at home which makes us kinda wana be there..but in my case one more depressed person wasnt gonna help...we have come to the conclusion 4years is gona throw alot of s*** at us in all directions so we are gonna have to deal with it..and be stronger when we get home..and wiser :P..
Well touch wood we havent been bitten severly by mozzies or anything for a little while..maybe they are over the Pommy blood..who knows..
We have been swimming in kaye and dougs pool..well messing around..i will be swimming most days when its our xmas party for work is in a aussies do..and 'When in Rome'...which means i need to keep up with my healthy eating and such..doing well keep tuned and watch me waste away on the piccys haha!!..
We are trying to save to book fiji at end of the month for april..but theres protests and stuff going on and dont think its safe at the we will hang fire..dont wana get killed..even in paradise..
Well gonna go..hope to do something exciting to update with and also will put pics up asap!!
Love u all..Kellykins and Rosco!! xxxxxxx
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