Hello guys..
Since we last spoke we have both got the same place..just so i can keep an eye on jokin..we work in an Italian restaurant in Gawler, we get $20 per hour each,Ross' is probably gona go up a few dollars aswell..he is 3rd chef and im a it works out the equivilant of 10 quid(ish) we have paid Kaye and Doug back for our coach tickets and have a good little bit of money in our pockets, in 2days we have made $720 dollars between us, so not bad considering i only do like 4/5 hours at night..we get Sunday Monday off..i get Tuesdays aswell but Ross does prep on that day..they are only open wed-sat..they have just moved to a new premises coz they are the only real restaurant cept Indian in Gawler so they had to get a bigger place..they are dead nice run as ud expect from an Italian family..they all drink after work..and smoke in the restaurant(ive got pics of the place il upload asap) after pays for alocohol..its crazy...she gave me a bottle of wine the other day..Moscato..its a really sweet white wine..bit like an Asti maybe..anyhoo me and kaye might have that over xmas...We have also got $190 in the bank from our orange picking things are looking up..we have told Kaye we want to pay our way so she is thinking of maybe money just for food shopping...we will push this as we like to pay our sure my mam is shaking her head haha!!
The plan is, to save,save,save...we will take a few days up to Alice Springs camp out and stuff..and then just save for 2week in Fiji in April for our 2years together. Our next thing we are going to pay for is "New Moon" coming out on pics..thats $10 each and we are booking to see the midnight screening.ooooooooo!! cant wait..we are losers..we have read all the 4 books (well ross on last one) they are amazing..everyone should get into the TWILIGHT books...Im deliberating what my next tattoo is going to be..something travel related....but i dont rush into such things ideas on the back of a post card pleeease...
We would both really like to learn to drive so we could maybe get a camper between us..which is exciting.. :) not sure if we qualify to learn over this space...times like this i wish i didnt speed...note to anyone going over the limit..chill your beans..u dont realise u miss something till its gone...
Massive spider alert!!!! Doug is doing refurbishment and he is disturbing all the creepy coz of the amount of water around theres "Fackin Mozzies" coming out of my bloody ears (not really) so we are coverd in bites..yes 'We' ..even the mighty Rosco with tough scottish skin and awesome blood(his words,kinda) isnt immune to the blasted things...they are unbeleiveable..i laid awake a few nights scratching my ankles to bits..but i felt so nice..haha...ross wont let me scratch... :P so i sneakily do it..
Righty oh!!..just chatting s*** il talk soonskies xxxxx and miss u all.xxxxx
Kelly & Rosco...Or Rosso as the chefs call him xx :p
- comments
toni cavallaro hey kelly and rosco its toni! been trying to find you on facebook but do you have any idea how many kelly adams there are in this world...too many. found this site on the Christmas card you sent to work. so just thought i would pop on to see what use have been up to and to wish use both a merry christmas and happy new year. also my facebook name is toni cav so if you look that one up you should find me pretty easy i hope. will keep you updated on whats happening in gawler and la dolce vita, you will be pleased to hear our kinder statue is looking finer then every :) talk to use soon stay safe love toni x