Just catching up on the goss...and trying to escape the 35degrees heat...We went to Bondi Beach on thursday, we werent very well prepared we just kinda went ah well lets go bus it was..and after having a major barney on how we got to the bus stop for it we got there and the amazing and beautiful sea, weather and relaxed atmosphere cheered us both up and we forgot about our squabble...Ross is puttin up the pix as we speak...hopefully :) We wanted to do all the usually Sydney stuff before we went elsewhere which we were not too sure on, but we have decided because of its tropical weather..heat for me and thunderstorms for Rosco, Darwin would be ideal, plus we have been offered a job and need to organise an interview when we are ther...we fly Monday night, and if tht job falls through we are gonna mango real dwindles fast here in Sydney, and we dont even drink, we Ross has had a pint or Schooner should i say i think of all the local beers...VB he likes best..Barons was mingy and he liked the Blonde one too...OiOi!! :) We have moved next door for 2 nights, we get our own room...finally a double bed and a double duvet even though i still ended up with only the sheet over me...My mam and dad decided to ring at 3.30am in the morning thinking there was 12 hours diffrence which would still mean it was 7am :P but i havent spoke to them coz there on hol so i annoyed Ross by saying "SOOOSSSSYY..HEEWWOOOO" down the fone to my sister who thought i was nana but did tell me she has been swimming :) well Sophies way ... Spent the day packing properly coz we have paid for 1 bag to get checked through so we have moved everything to that, then i looked at pix of my family and friends listened to songs that reminded me of them and felt a little sad :( I pulled myself togehter though, good job coz i wasnt getting sympathy from Ross engrossed in his Harry Potter book...i couldve been doing that NZ Rugby dance naked and he wouldnt of batted an eyelid..except to shout at me for disturbing his reading :P ..finished my was s***..what a bad ending..Today we went Darling Harbour for a walk in the nice weather which makes Ross grumpy :) we went to the 3d imax theatre..see pix of the sexy specs we got to wear...had a lolly on the sea front with ROss in the shade to eat his cornetto bless him...dont wnat him burning like a b**** :)
Okidoke...we leave for Darwin tommorw so gona get photos up and then let you know how it goes :)
Love ya's all..miss you all lots :) keep writing messages we love them :) xxx
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