Rita & Ellie's Travels
Wednesday 2 August 2006 - Grand Canyon to Las Vegas
A 4am start to watch the sun rise at 5.37am.... not sure of Tim Tam's time scales either! Most of that time was spent trying to find 'the' perfect spot.
Settled down to wait with our breakfast of orange juice and doughnuts - so American! Plenty of pictures to show how amazing it was... so surreal!
Back on the road to Vegas, a scenic drive through the desert.... looking forward to hot showers and a comfy bed... oh, and a long awaited glass of wine!
After the faffing of checking in and Tim Tam trying to park the blasted van (trying to find the perfect parking space), we were left with 45 minutes to doll ourselves up for Vegas!!
All you can eat buffet at the Luxor - boy did we need it!! First things first - bottle of wine!
Pre drinks in Tim and Jonny's room before heading out to our hummer limo. Cruising down the strip, wine in one hand champagne in the other, making a couple of stops to see some shows (well the lads were happy - semi naked women.
The good (or bad) thing about Vegas is you can drink in the streets, plenty of time to finish off yet another bottle of wine!
Barbarry Coast Casino for more drinks and dancing by the band (still to this day Rita has no recollection of this... damn wine!).
After numorous bars and numorous Casinos, New York New York was the place to settle, especially after Sambuca shots! Being moved by bouncers from seat to seat interrupted Rita's famous nodding off in night clubs.
Finally, having enough of New York New York we stumbled out into the broad daylight!
After seeing the Rollercoaster and saying "I wanna go on that on!" we were refused entry (not starting until midday - LIES!!!)
Searched for breakfast - with no luck, so settled for a beer.
The 5 last standing stumbled back to the Motel at 8.30am - but all good fun!
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