Waved goobye to Brazil and crossed the border into Argentina on Sunday and checked into Hostel Inn. THe place is awesome has a massive swimming pool, bar that´s open till 2am and a really good atmosphere!. Again took to chilling out the first day sunbathing and swimming and booked a boat trip for the waterfalls for the monday. Ended up getting a package deal where we got the boat trip, all you-can-eat BBQ (which Chloe always see´s a a personal challenge!) and transfers for cheaper than just the boat trip (as I said the place is bloody great!)
Visited the Argentinian side of the falls on Monday and again it was unbelievable there is a lot more walking on this side but you get so much closer to them. At some points you are actually on top looking down into the waterfall. Did all the mapped routes and tookk in every possible view saving the devils throat (the massive waterfall) view for last. Did the boat trip which was so cool they take you in a turbo ultra extreme speed boat under a massive waterfall you get absolutely drenched which was a blessing as it was so hot and all the walking really works up a sweat! Ended the day at the devils throat and that was indescribable the view the noise it was spectacular. By then we were pretty much all waterfalled out and went back to the hostel. HAd the BBQ which was sooo good and watched some Argies do a bit of Tango.. (I´m definately a Salsa man myself after discovering my innate skill for the dance in Sao Paulo ;-) ) So Today is Tuesday we are again just chilling (hard life!) and gonna go to the Airport and sort out flights to Buenos Aires for tomorrow. We have book a Spanish course so looking forward to that.
Rory and Chloe
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