Hey everyone, adam here again...
so iv finally got about half an hour to write a new blog for mexico!
ok so after our short stay in san cristobal we decided to head to a small place called Palenque with the swayze crew. Palenque is a small town but we actually stayed about 20 mins away from the town in the jungle of El Pan Chan. There was a hostel site in the jungle with bars and a resturant etc we stayed in a small cobana in the middle of the jungle which was awesome as we were in the centre of wildlife (i.e the howler monkies!) and right next to a small river that ran through the whole jungle.
So our first day we decided to visit the infamous agua azul water fall, along with another waterfall iv forgotton the name of, but all i do remember is that it was stunning and basically too beautiful to capture on camera.. the agua azul falls were absaloutly amazing. The first part was a row of about 8 or 9 different waterfalls all cascading crystal clear blue water into a lagoon where everyone could swim, but we wernt allowed to go too close as the currents were really strong close to the big falls.. so we decided to go further down stream and we all did head first dives off the top of the small falls into the lagoon below!
me and a few others managed to climb up the caves behind the falls where we found a small warm lagoon with tiny falls all around it which you can see me loving in the photos haha, rick and mark on the other hand went on a zip-line down into another lagoon on the otherside which he said was ace, so they stayed there most of the afternoon.
In the evenings there wasnt loads to do in the jungle so we MADE the party in our cobana, buying several bottles of vodka and rum and playing music till 4 or 5 in the morning was awesome. The howler monkeys even joined in too!
Oh yeah i forgot to mention what these monkeys are... basically they look and seem like regular monkeys roaming round the jungle swinging from tree to tree in the stupidly wet humidity BUT NO! At night they sound like bloody dragons! They make screeching and growling noises that echo through the jungle for no reason at all lol but then again we were all too drunk to let them keep us from sleeping anyway.
On the third day we got to visit another set of ancient ruins. The ruins were very different to the ones we saw in mexico city, there were a lot more of them and there was caves inside them too, so we wandered around all day through the jungle and through the ruins snapping photos and generally just being us and slating kirsty for all she was worth... need i say more? lol
so yeah palenque was awesome, the humidity practically soaked all the clothes in our bags and we didnt really have many bathing facilities so we took advantage of that lagoon haha whats traveling all about ey!
Well we're currently in LA right now whilst im writing this so ill try to write a blog for tulum asap!
love Adam x x x x x
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