Hi everyone hope your all ok!
So after leaving SF we managed to get the greyhound bus all the way down to San Diego for quite a reasonable price, the only downside was that is was a 9 hour journey! But it was ok as the bus was pretty spacious and we saw some amazing sights on the way down.
We stepped off the coach in to san diego and pretty much thought we'd driven out of california and into a different country all together! It was completly different to SF. It was a lot cleaner and had a realy laidback atmosphere... the weather wasnt too shabby either!
Not many people seemed to be as friendly as they were in SF at first and we seemed to stand out like a sore thumb strolling through San Diego with our backpacks on trying to find the hostel but ricks great sense of (lucky) sense of direction found the hostel straight away.
The hostel was small and cosy and we shared a room with about 3 other lads... one guy from denmark, one guy from new york and one guy from korea (on the last night) The guy from new york was called Lars and he was actually a spitting image and had pretty much all the characteristics of Napoleon Dynamite in which we pretty much loved and he was a real cool guy.
I wont ramble on about each person we met individually as it will actually take forever because we met so many awesome people in this hostel. After about 3 or 4 days of knowing them it felt like we'd known them forever. A good friend was Caroline (Sweden) who we spent most of our time with as you can see from the photos, Isa and Mette from Denmark, Jenelle from colorado, Gaz from Grimsby (wheeeey!) Eown and Adam from Ireland, Mark, Joe and beca from Australia, Henrick from Denmark, and last but not least Geoff, from all over the place (absaloute legend)!
We pretty much got wasted and had parties in the hostel every night we were in SD which was awesome and we even went out for taco's and margeritas!!
As you can probably also see, we visited the San Diego zoo which was one HUGE place and took pretty much all day to walk around but we had a right laugh... especially the crazy monkey that hated rick (ask him for details of this event because its too funny to even describe) haha
I have to mention this in the blog too because its pretty crazy...
We set off on Thursday morning to a small mexican town called Esdenada just down the coast of Baha.... and oh what a mistake that was!
We got there, stepped out of the bus station and we literally did not see one white person for the whole day and half we were there. It was a crazy crazy little town, pretty dirty, poor and full of ignorant rip offs that we did our best to ignore.
We couldnt find a hostel so we had to pay a little more to stay in a hotel for the night, so because our spirits were low about mexico and found a language barrier hard to get around we decided to make a night of it and go have some beers...
So we went to some proper cheap bars, got absaloutly wasted as they kept shuvin free tequila slammers in our faces and ended up stumbling (literally) across a HUGE mexican street festival that went on for miles... this was quite possibly the funniest thing ever for us as we got more beer and just kept talking proper yorkshire to eevryone and telling them to (get back son!!!) haha rick even told the police to "get back son!" when they were asking everyone to leave hahaha, we stayed safe though and had a great night.
The next day we got talking to some mexicans and was advised to get a flight to a small city called Guanojuato which is so far absaloutly beautiful but we'l tell you about that in a couple of weeks in our mexico blog
take care everyone and we love you x x x
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