17/12/09 - day 8.
got up around 9am after a humid nights sleep. apparently David is known for being the hottest place in panama and stays thay way year round. got some breakfast at the place i ate the night before as it was nice and cheap. had rice and chicken and these wierd potato things that look like giant wotsits. $1.50 - bargain. while eating this 17 yr old kid sat next to me started talking to me realising i was foreign. i said from england, he got a big grin on his face and said he supported chelsea. i said i was arsenal and before i knew it he was reeling off arsenal players to me. i didnt really know how to respond other than to nod enthusiastically!
on the way back to the hostel bought some pasta and sauce and then did some laundry. had to wait around for it to dry thereby saving myself 50 cents which i otherwise would have had to pay for the hostel to do (totally worth it).
rest of the day was pretty much spent in the hostel garden reading my book, and in the evening chatting to tom and claire. tom is an arsenal fan so there was a LOT of football/arsenal related matters to discuss. it was brilliant.
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