19/1/10 - day 41.
up at 8, had 2 blueberry pancaked for breakfast, paid up and headed out about half 9 to catch a bus to peña blanca, la guama, san pedro sula and finally Tela. while waiting for the first bus a taxi pulled up infront of me and my lazy gene kicked in. i negotiated an only slightly unreasonable fee for him to take me to la guama where i waited about 20 mins for the bus to san pedro sula.
when i got to there, was dropped off a large bus terminal which i think all the bus companies use to go to all different destinations in the country. as soon as i got off, a dude approached me reeling off dozens of destinations, and when he got to Tela, i stopped him and he pointed me in the right direction.
after waiting an hour, i got the 12:30 bus and at some point of the 1st 2 hours of the journey we sailed right by tela and i was oblivious to it. there was not the usual shout when you reach a destination, and cos they didnt go into the town they just stop on the highway where the turn off is, i missed it. i guess i wasnt really paying attention either.
anyway, i ended up about 100km further along the north coast of honduras in a city called La Ceiba. looked in the lonely planet for a place to stay and got a cab there. there was nothing that i really wanted to see or do there so i decided it would be best to just stay the night and head back to tela in the morning as if id got straight back on the bus it would be dark when i got there and i prefer not getting to places at night.
went to a place that just like a school canteen for dinner (chicken soup, rice and potatoes). afterwards i went online and found out arsenal were being televised the next day so what with me having a tv in my room i faced a dilemma: do i sacrifice a day in a place im not that keen on being in just so i can watch a game that if we won would put us top? actually, it wasnt a dilemma at all, i knew what i was gonna end up doing!!
got to bed around 9pm and watched spiderman in spanish. (wasnt as good).
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