19/2/10 - day 72.
got up about 9am and had a massive, and i cant emphasise that enough, burrito packed with all kinds a crap for breakfast. this was included in the price of the dorm so naturally i had to make the most of it!
went for a walk up to mercado democracia about 10 mins away, which had all the usual market fodder. had a hot chocolate at cafe luna, which apparently is a xela institution at that place, and had a bit more of an amble around the city.
when i got up that morning, i soon realised why they give you 3 thick blankets on your bed as it was freezing but round about midday it got incredibly warm and remained so til about 4ish when it got really cold again. very confusing. its the kind of place you need to have a change of clothing handy, and change as the day progresses!
xela is a pleasant city, and it feels different to many others ive been to. the backdrop to it consists of volcanoes and the central plaza of parque centroamerica is surrounded by massive, grey, historic buildings but for me, not a lot else to hang about for. so after an incredibly messy quesadilla lunch, i began making plans for moving on in the morning. chilled out for the rest of the evening (literally) at the hostel. i have whinged on occasion about the heat and sweating in the last couple months but im also not a fan of weather that makes me put my socks on! went to bed after some internet time about 10pm.
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