Hey everyone, hope all is well?
On our way to Adelaide we stopped off at a salt lake, this is basically a huge lake with no water and the surface is made from salt! It was amazing and we got some good pics. We couldn't go out too far as it was still used for testing bombs and mines and stuff and the driver didnt know if there were any lives ones out there still!!
When we arrived here we went to our hostel and then went for a few drinks with some people from our group which was cool.
The following day we sorted out hiring a car to get to Melbourne along the Great Ocean Road. I am so excited about driving again on what is described as the best costal drive in the world! The car was way cheaper than getting a bus and we can go at our own pace which will be nice after a few days of touring in groups!!
Yesterday after deciding that there isnt a great deal to do in Adelaide we went and watched another cricket match, this was pretty good as it went on for the whole day and we only paid $2 to get in!! Also some dude hit a six right near where we were sitting, so I (Rich) got involved and got the ball for the guy who gave me a casual "cheers mate"...brilliant!! Later that evening we went to the Cinema and watched Valkyrie with Tom Cruise which we both enjoyed...really goood film!
Our final day here has been relaxing, shopping for the road trip, trying to get pics online but not 1 single computer in Australia will read our cards or cables its really annoying us both as you guys cant see the awesome pics we are taking (trust me they really are truly awesome), and finally getting our teeth into the free BBQ at the travel agent underneath or hostel!!
Hope all is well back home, sorry about the pics, im sure its more frustrating for us guys than it is for you as we want you to see how much fun we are both having.
Much Love Rich and Hannah.
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