We thought we would just add a quick blog of more Singapore before we fly off 2 OZ tonight.
We decided that like every city we have visited Singapore is way better at night. During the day its mainly shopping centres. Although we did go to Singapore Botanical Gardens which is huge and very beautiful.
We have been to see free concerts at the harbour at night time. The 1st time we went the bands were pretty good so we thought we would head back again....the 2nd time the band was DIRE. They claimed to be a reggae band, which when i found out thought would be amazing, how wrong i was! If what they played was reggae music then im Bob Marley! They were awful and were just throwing stereo-typical words into their songs like..dreadlock, reggae, Jamaica. The drummer and percussion guy were ok but the singing was bad. Needless to stay we didnt stay long!
We also did a night Safari and after the dissapointment of not seeing tigers in India we got to see 2 massive ones here, also lions, leopards, crocodiles and wolves. Although it wasn't in the wild it was a bit like Woburn safari so they weren't in cages or anything. It was a bit expensive though and im going to write a STRONGLY worded letter to Lonely Planet who said it was only $15.
We've got a free day today as our flight isn't untill 9.45pm so i've added this blog and Hannahs added more pics. Hope you enjoy. We have decided only to put the best pics on the blog as its so slow, we have so many more!! I put the full moon ones on my Facebook profile if you haven't already checked them out?
Next stop Australia for New Year and neither of us can wait!!
Have a Happy New Year Rich and Hannah
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