The drive to Albany involved no detours apart from more toilet stops than usual due to a burger from a burger van. I should have learnt my lesson by now.
The evening involved a quick provisions stop and we tried to settle in for the night the wind, however, had other ideas (not my flatulence for once).
We ventured off the next day a little unrested in search of the artificial reef HMAS Perth, which apparently you can snorkel to. But it turns out you can't…they lied in the brochures. So we were disappointed when all we had was white sandy beaches and turquoise waters.
On further exploration we did find a re-incarnated wreck, the exact replica of the Brig Amity (Brig meaning double masted sailing vessel…for all you geeks out there). This replica is a credit to Albany and we thoroughly enjoyed investigating the ship. Couldn't find One-Eyed-Willy's treasure anywhere though. It was a swashbuckling experience for all.
Albany's town seemed nice, had an oldie worldy charm with all the modern necessities. We stopped on the way back to the campsite into Strawberry Farm which was/is the first farm in WA. The farm's Devonshire tea and scones was awesome.Also, Perth university students were conducting an archaeological dig on the site. I showed an interest and tried talking to them but they seemed too busy doing their Indiana Jones impressions. Hope all the find is the site of the old toilet.
Gem's note:Albany was a cute little town, lots of nice bars and cafes but most importantly a rather large Target Darhling! Will forever remember this as the place that nearly pulled the trailer to pieces….bloody wind didn't stop like!
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