We set off again in the morning chasing the sun down the valley, dubious that we would ever have a view like that again from a front door.The drive was fairly long, the scenery fairly unspectacular but the traffic definitely mare prominent.The density of the vegetation seemed to ease, the rainforest giving way to a more familiar backdrop.We had crossed into the sub-tropical regions and the temperature and humidity seemed mush more agreeable.
Having no plan on where to stay, we let fate decide.We drove south until we agreed that's enough and then followed the signs for the next campsite.We ended up at Capricorn Caves, a mere 30km from Rockhampton or "Rocky" if you're a local.
The campsite was nice but it was the cave tour that 'made' the evening.I initially set out alone (gem was feeling a bit under the weather, possibly claustrophobic) but as I was the only person for that particular tour they wouldn't take me so I meandered back to Gem through the forest path.I got back to the van, Gem was feeling a little better and I managed to talk her into the cave tour.
The caves were quite an arrangement.First discovered in the 1880's when the majority of wooden bridges and walkways to access the caves were built.They are still in use today…good work!The highlights of the experience (which I'm sure if you talk to Gem there probably weren't any) were a naturally eroded hole in the roof of the cave which happens to align with the sun at high noon during the summer solstice (tell me the odds on that one!! Coincidence or donkey magic, you decide) secondly was the Cathedral, which was essentially a cave made into a Cathedral.The acoustics in which were quite outstanding.Highlighted by the musical prowess of Enya, the resonance of which produced a skin tingling joy which concluded in a welling of passion for some distant celtic heritage . In all a romantic candlelit experience which i must admit induced a little homesickness. I even though of buying an Enya cd right there and then but wasn't sure it would sound quite the same on my thirty dollar Chinese made tin stereo in the Ponda Rosa.
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