We are now up in the mountains of Costa Rica after spending 5 days at the beach neighbouring a national park.
The bus stop Sloths were just the start, we hired a guide to take us round the national park and Hawkeye Hiles was really taught a thing or two by Eagleeye Henry. He could spot an ant moving from 100 metres but made sure we saw loads more wildlife than on our own.
All around the park we saw monkeys (Howler, Squirrel and Capuchin), snakes, Iguanas, loads of lizards, sloths and even a few humpback Whales from our perch on the hillside.
I have also now surfed Costa Rica and was accompanied by (for accompanied read 500 metres apart) a humpback, perhaps attracted by the thrashing and splashing in the water of a big white british man!
We shared our bungalow with a great Swiss couple on a similar trip to us so spent our evenings watching the sunsets and drinking Costa Rican Imperial beers while discussing the finer nuances of Swiss vs British culture. As always its a bit embarassing how good everyone elses English is when you can only respond with "Ich bin funfsehn yahre alt".
They did tell us the way to an amazing waterfall jump with an hour's hike through the jungle (dodging snakes both those which are actually roots and the real one) and we both took the leap (see videos). The climb back up the waterfall was a vertical scramble up wet rocks with the help of a fraid rope - lets just say a 4 ft gap between ledges is a little easier with legs like mine but i am currently being credited with 'saving the life of the wife' after she made it back up with a little help after a 20 minute endurance climb (its 5m high...).
Now up in the mountains we went for a cloud forest walk today, very little in the way of wildlife compared to our last trip but at least we now know why they call it a cloud/rain forest! Next plan is a night time snake hunt so i know who will be walking in front...
- comments
Cadders Why on earth would you go on a night snake hunt?! Do you feel yoy need a psychological wake up after the retirement village stay?! Id personally take a leaf out of the book of the sloth...
Untaya Ninguno de los 2 partidos que se han jdaugo hasta ahorita han demostrado mucho, mira Argentina vs Bolivia, los argentinos andaban lentos, no tenian la misma definicion que tienen siempre, Bolivia les cerro los pasosy mucho futbol no mostraron, Messi tampoco brillo, Colombia vs Costa Rica, a mi parecer CR hizo lo que pudo jugo con su seleccion sub 23 y con 10 jdaugores en el campo mientras que Colombia con todas sus estrellitas europeas y a duras penas saco una victoria muy cerrada