So we are now on our last day in La Paz before catching another night bus to Sucre in southern Bolivia. We have spent the day hitting our highest ever altitude of 5500m at the worlds former highest ski resort - until the glacier melted in 2000 that is! As we have been high for over a week now we felt this was our best chance of "bagging a peak". Now feeling rather pleased with ourselves as I was the first to the summit and Rhian the only female to make it out of a group of 21 (only 8 made it).
Since leaving Arequipa we spent a week around Lake Titicaca, moving from Peru into Bolivia, visiting Floating Reed Islands (take my word for it - don't stand still too long otherwise heavy gringos start to sink), and the beautiful Isla del Sol. As it was Rhian's birthday we splashed out on the best hotel in Copacabana on the shores of the lake (don't worry those that know me - splash out in Bolivia means £25 a night...) with hammocks inside and out, a wood burning stove and outdoor jacuzzi. On the 'big day' we did what any self-respecting 29 year old would do - took a Swan pedalo onto Lake Titicaca to celebrate. The day was filled with further triumphs including a £1.50 3 course birthday lunch and we even located Tanqueray Gin and tonic which they only serve in 60ml measures. Suffice to say the birthday was a success!
From there we came to La Paz and it has to be one of the most breathtaking cities we have seen, both literally with the altitude but also the setting deep in a valley surrounded by snow-capped mountains.
Christmas and New Year promises to be a nice quiet affair as we will stay in Sucre to avoid drunken Bolivian bus drivers.
Feliz Navidad y prospero Ano Neuvo a todo! (Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all!)
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