Amsterdam has a lot of canals. We went on one that started at NEMO Museum. We saw lots of old buildings. People even live on the canals in houseboats! We visited the Van Gogh museum two times - he painted lots of nice and different pictures. He liked to paint things in yellow. Van Gogh felt sad a lot. (Matias)
Amsterdam is an old city with lots of canals and boats. We went to NEMO on 4th July. NEMO is like Questacon but better. There are little factories that show like, how metal is cut and there was also a bubble room. On the 5th July in the afternoon (during a break in mum's conference) we all went to the Van Gogh museum. There were 4 floors of paintings, notes and letters. My favourite painting was one of a pair of shoes. Van Gogh started painting late in life and only painted for 10 years. On 6th July, me, Tomas, dad and Matias went a boat ride of Amsterdam. We saw many things, like the zoo and many warehouses. We also went through the main and only natural (not man-made) canal.(Kristian)
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